Kolel L'horaah Maasis

Kolel L'horaah Maasis

Este centro educacional em Crown Heights forma futuros rabinos e líderes para comunidades em todo o mundo. Junte-se a nós para explorar ensinamentos e compartilhar suas ideias!

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Can G-d Create a Rock He Can't Pick Up?

S1 E1 • 41 mins • Jun 1, 2023

Episódios recentes

Jun 1, 2023

Can G-d Create a Rock He Can't Pick Up?

S1 E1 • 41 mins

May 11, 2023

שיעור בהלכות עירובין - 25 - סימן שפה-שפו - Rabbi Shalom Ber Shuchat

43 mins

May 11, 2023

The Divine Elevation Embedded in All of Existence - Part 2

S1 E1 • 43 mins

May 4, 2023

The Divine Elevation Embedded in All of Existence

S1 E1 • 46 mins

May 2, 2023

קידושין 1 - סימן כו וריש כז

S1 E1 • 51 mins

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