JLL’s Beyond Buildings podcast

Descubra os indivíduos inspiradores que estão moldando nossas comunidades e ambientes. Ouça suas histórias e insights sobre como criar espaços inclusivos e vibrantes para todos.

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EP 3: Gay, Aboriginal and making Pride count - with Gerry Matera

S1 E3 • 26 mins • Nov 25, 2021

Episódios recentes

Nov 25, 2021

EP 3: Gay, Aboriginal and making Pride count - with Gerry Matera

S1 E3 • 26 mins

Mar 12, 2021

Ep 3: International Women's Day: challenging inequality, leading by example - Amy Gildea, Coffey; Andrea Tsalamandris, Victoria County Court; James Montague, JLL

E3 • 57 mins

Dec 2, 2020

Ep 2: Why the workplace has a role in ending domestic violence against women - Vanessa Fowler, Allison Baden-Clay Foundation; Nicole Zipf and Lydia King, JLL

S1 E2 • 49 mins

Oct 23, 2020

Ep 1: Achieving equal pay and treatment in real estate - with Alicia Maynard, ISPT

S1 E1 • 41 mins

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