Renewal By The Book: Quran Tafsir Based on Imam Ghazali's Ihya

Junte-se ao Shaykh Faraz enquanto ele explora reflexões perspicazes sobre versículos do Alcorão, ligando a orientação divina a temas da obra influente do Imam Ghazali para o crescimento espiritual.

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24-Reflection & the End of Life – Renewal by the Book: Quran Tafsir Based on Imam Ghazali’s Ihya – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

36 mins • May 16, 2020

Episódios recentes

May 16, 2020

24-Reflection & the End of Life – Renewal by the Book: Quran Tafsir Based on Imam Ghazali’s Ihya – Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

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21- Repentance, Patience, & Gratitude- Renewal by the Book- Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

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