BDB Pitmans LLP

Hello Law

Explore as verdadeiras histórias e experiências de profissionais de escritórios de advocacia, desde sócios até estagiários, em conversas envolventes que iluminam a vida na BDB Pitmans.

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S2 Ep.8 - Nick Evans and Mustafa Latif-Aramesh on Parliamentary Agents, Planning, Infrastructure and Public Law, and Routes to Law

79 mins • May 3, 2022


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Episódios recentes

May 3, 2022

S2 Ep.8 - Nick Evans and Mustafa Latif-Aramesh on Parliamentary Agents, Planning, Infrastructure and Public Law, and Routes to Law

79 mins

Mar 31, 2022

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S2 Ep.6 - Matthew Smith: Qualifying as a Barrister, working on the UK's most prominent public inquiries and inquests and the importance of the COVID-19 inquiry

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S2 Ep. 5 - Sarah Clark: Being a Woman in Law, making Partner and starting a family

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Mar 3, 2022

S2 Ep.4 - Ollie Calcott: Being a Trainee Solicitor and the importance of work experiences

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