Cry About It Podcast

Cry About It

Este podcast promove diálogos sinceros e explora o impacto da música na saúde mental, inspirando ouvintes de todos os setores da vida a se conectar e refletir.

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Talking music, fatherhood, and Canadian genocide with punk legends Belvedere | Ep. 18

S1 E18 • 18 mins • Jul 2, 2021

Episódios recentes

Jul 2, 2021

Talking music, fatherhood, and Canadian genocide with punk legends Belvedere | Ep. 18

S1 E18 • 18 mins

Jun 8, 2021

Conor O'Brien talks keeping performing arts alive during the pandemic and what the return looks like | Ep. 16

S1 E16 • 64 mins

May 14, 2021

Kulick talks being a partially deaf musician on a major record label & new acoustic album | Ep. 15

S1 E15 • 54 mins

May 11, 2021

Karma Kids talk working with Kellin Quinn, current buzz and signing to Legend Recordings | Ep. 14

S1 E14 • 28 mins

May 7, 2021

American Buffalo Ghost is creating the future of folk music and preserving its historic past | Ep. 13

S1 E13 • 54 mins

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