Galaxy Dance Academy

Ballroom Dancing with M&O - Official Galaxy Dance Academy Podcast

Junte-se a Mikhail e Olesya Eremeeva enquanto eles compartilham insights da Galaxy Dance Academy, misturando episódios de podcast com dicas de dança e destaques de sua série de vídeos.

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Episode 22. What is the biggest mistake you ever made and what everyone can learn from it

59 mins • Aug 1, 2021

Episódios recentes

Aug 1, 2021

Episode 22. What is the biggest mistake you ever made and what everyone can learn from it

59 mins

Jul 25, 2021

Episode 21: Importance of precise focus in Ballroom dancing - KEYWORDS

32 mins

Jul 18, 2021

Episode 20. Is it effective to learn dancing through the videos? What mistakes all self-learners may avoid!

42 mins

Jul 4, 2021

Episode 19. What really makes people more attractive... and how anyone can do by using dance tools

32 mins

Jun 30, 2021

Episode 18: The dancing world now, what is our new reality and how can we support each other

49 mins

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