Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space

Let’s Talk EU Space

Este podcast da Comissão Europeia destaca o Programa Espacial da UE, com foco no Copernicus e mostrando como seus dados melhoram a vida cotidiana.

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Staying ahead of the shake – how Copernicus ensures the safety of dams and tunnels

• Dec 4, 2023

Episódios recentes

Dec 4, 2023

Staying ahead of the shake – how Copernicus ensures the safety of dams and tunnels

Nov 16, 2023

From Space to Nose – how Copernicus helps to predict pollen levels and allergy reactions

Oct 30, 2023

When seconds count– How Copernicus supported the emergency response activities in the aftermath of the floods in Emilia Romagna

Jun 7, 2023

The Copernicus revolution

Jun 5, 2023


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