Your Edtech Questions

Os educadores frequentemente buscam clareza sobre como a tecnologia pode aprimorar o ensino. Este podcast aborda suas perguntas urgentes com insights de especialistas na área.

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How can we leverage OER to make more inclusive curriculum resources?

S2 E4 • 42 mins • Sep 17, 2019

Episódios recentes

Sep 17, 2019

How can we leverage OER to make more inclusive curriculum resources?

S2 E4 • 42 mins

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How are open educational resources (OER) like a free puppy?

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Jul 11, 2019

How do teachers working in under-resourced schools do innovative things with technology?

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Jun 24, 2019

Danielle Feinberg from Pixar answers the question, how can we tap into our creativity using technology?

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Apr 10, 2019

What’s ESSA and why should teachers care?

S1 E5 • 32 mins

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