Madame Pamita

Baba Yaga's Magic

Junte-se à Madame Pamita em sua cabana encantadora enquanto ela compartilha as ricas tradições mágicas da Europa Central e Oriental. Explore feitiços e conecte-se com espíritos antigos.

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BYM023 - Molfars: Shamanic Practitioners of the Carpathians

25 mins • Sep 7, 2023

Episódios recentes

Sep 7, 2023

BYM023 - Molfars: Shamanic Practitioners of the Carpathians

25 mins

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BYM022 - The Poludnytsia

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Aug 10, 2023

BYM021 - The Magic of the Bread and Salt

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Jul 6, 2023

BYM020 - The Magic of the Rushnyk

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Jun 1, 2023

BYM019 - The Magic of Kupala

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