Iowa Public Radio

Under the Golden Dome

Acompanhe John Pemble enquanto ele explica o processo legislativo de Iowa, destacando atores, questões importantes e projetos de lei que influenciam o futuro do estado.

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The final 48 hours before sine die 2023

S2023 E14 • • May 4, 2023

Episódios recentes

May 4, 2023

The final 48 hours before sine die 2023

S2023 E14 •

Apr 8, 2023

Loosening tattoo artist requirements, encouraging biogas pipelines, taxing glass pipes, and a much bigger version of the governor’s education bill

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Apr 1, 2023

Raw milk, crisis numbers on student IDs, and SNAP and Medicaid verification pass one chamber and advance in the other’s committees

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Mar 25, 2023

A barrier to eminent domain and the governor’s restrictions on gender identity in schools

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Mar 18, 2023

Most bills pass with ease but others are more tense, like the bathroom bill

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