Natasha Coco Benitez

Coach with Coco (health&life coach)

We make choices every day and there are reasons behind these choices. Do you pause and ask yourself why? Why do you hold certain beliefs...why do you have certain habits....why do specific people trigger your emotions? How do you honor your why in your daily decision making? My podcast is an assortment of themed guided meditations to encourage you to take a moment of pause and get centered in your WHY. Thank you for listening and enjoy. -Coach Coco

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Episódios recentes

Mar 29, 2021

Your environment— A guided meditation

6 mins

Mar 16, 2021

Your pleasures—a guided meditation

5 mins

Mar 16, 2021

End of the day—guided meditation

5 mins

Nov 11, 2020

Guided meditation—morning shower routine

5 mins

Sep 23, 2020

Guided meditation—evening shower

S1 E7 • 7 mins
