Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station - Nuclear Power Institute

The Nuclear Power Institute "The Path of Most Persistence" Podcast

Explore histórias inspiradoras do Texas enquanto o Nuclear Power Institute apresenta os indivíduos dedicados que estão moldando o futuro da força de trabalho nuclear no estado.

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“You have to have facts, information, and the knowledge to backup what you’re doing.” -June Deadrick

52 mins • May 4, 2023


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Episódios recentes

May 4, 2023

“You have to have facts, information, and the knowledge to backup what you’re doing.” -June Deadrick

52 mins

May 1, 2023

"We need more women leaders and more women city managers." - Helen Ramirez

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May 1, 2023

"A key attribute to leadership is to empower your team and believe in them." - Laura Brieden

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Apr 3, 2023

"They invent, they build, and they problem solve." Dr. David Se Sousa

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Mar 20, 2023

“They see that this is their future and they are starting to take some ownership of it.”

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