Desfrute de uma coleção de hilários trechos de stand-up comedy mostrando talentos diversos de todo o mundo, garantidos para trazer risadas e alegria ao seu dia.
Matrimony & The Excited Guy By Rajasekhar Mamidanna | STAND UP COMEDY | Mr GVK
4 mins • Sep 25, 2020
- 197Decreased by 11
- 187Increased by 2
- 163Increased by 0
- 94Increased by 0
- 123Decreased by 1
Episódios recentes

Sep 25, 2020
Matrimony & The Excited Guy By Rajasekhar Mamidanna | STAND UP COMEDY | Mr GVK
4 mins

Aug 28, 2020
GRE English and Zimbabwe by Manoj Prabakar | STAND UP COMEDY | Mr GVK
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Aug 14, 2020
Flabbergasted English and Brunch by Manoj Prabakar | STAND UP COMEDY | Mr GVK
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Jul 31, 2020
Why Indians should NOT study Engineering by Manoj Prabakar | STAND UP COMEDY | Mr GVK
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Jul 17, 2020
Why Tamils don't speak Hindi? | STAND UP COMEDY | Mr GVK
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