Damian Ruck

Social Science Weekly

Sintonize para episódios rápidos e perspicazes que analisam pesquisas recentes em ciências sociais. Aproveite discussões claras e envolventes que tornam tópicos complexos fáceis de entender.

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13. Identity Politics: a new political divide in the USA?

16 mins • Oct 13, 2023

Episódios recentes

Oct 13, 2023

13. Identity Politics: a new political divide in the USA?

16 mins

Oct 1, 2023

12. Black Lives Matter: What has been the impact on policing and crime?

16 mins

Sep 17, 2023

11. Climate Change Protests. Do they influence the political conversation?

15 mins

Sep 3, 2023

10. Facebook Political Echo Chambers: Are They Polarizing?

S1 E10 • 15 mins

Jul 7, 2023

9. The Twitter Algorithm: Does it Promote Political divisions and Negative Emotions?

E9 • 11 mins

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