Um podcast da Delaware Bible Church que tem como objetivo inspirar e capacitar a comunidade local com discussões perspicazes e recursos valiosos para o crescimento da igreja.
#112 - Sharing Your Faith with a Scientologist - Modern Cults and World Religions - #19 - Scientology/New Age Beliefs - Pt. #2
17 mins • Jul 7, 2023
- 14Decreased by 5
- 101Decreased by 25
Episódios recentes

Jul 7, 2023
#112 - Sharing Your Faith with a Scientologist - Modern Cults and World Religions - #19 - Scientology/New Age Beliefs - Pt. #2
17 mins

Jul 7, 2023
#111 - Introduction to Scientology/New Age Beliefs - Modern Cults and World Religions - #18 - Scientology/New Age Beliefs - Pt. #1
47 mins

Jun 28, 2023
#110 - Reaching Hindus with the Gospel - Modern Cults and World Religions - #17 - Hinduism - Pt. #3
17 mins

Jun 28, 2023
#109 - Cows, Pigs, Worship, Yoga, and Transcendental Meditation - Modern Cults and World Religions - #16 - Hinduism - Pt. #2
42 mins

Jun 28, 2023
#108 - Introduction to Hindusim - Modern Cults and World Religions - #15 - Hinduism - Pt. #1
38 mins

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