Christopher Lamb

The Church's Radical Reform

O Papa Francisco convida todos os 1,3 bilhões de católicos a compartilharem suas vozes em uma iniciativa inovadora, focando em questões-chave que podem transformar o futuro da Igreja.

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After the Vatican synod: what happens now?

S2 E10 • 22 mins • Nov 17, 2023

Episódios recentes

Nov 17, 2023

After the Vatican synod: what happens now?

S2 E10 • 22 mins

Oct 27, 2023

A conversation with the “spiritual father” of the synod: Fr Timothy Radcliffe OP

S2 E9 • 22 mins

Oct 7, 2023

How does the new synod process work? An interview with Austen Ivereigh

S2 E8 • 26 mins

Sep 26, 2023

First Anglican to be appointed prior of Taizé talks about the synod and Christian unity

S2 E7 • 39 mins

Sep 15, 2023

Pentecostal church minister speaks about synodal renewal and why Pope Francis is a leader to charismatic Christians

S2 E6 • 29 mins

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