Fox Sports 1070 (WTSO-AM)

Lucas in the Morning

Aproveite sua dose matinal de debates esportivos e discussões animadas todos os dias da semana após as 6h da manhã na The Big 1070 em Madison e na The Big 920 em Milwaukee.

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How are the Packers better since the 49ers loss?

72 mins • Jan 14, 2020

Episódios recentes

Jan 14, 2020

How are the Packers better since the 49ers loss?

72 mins

Jan 13, 2020

The Packers move on to the NFC title game!

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Jan 10, 2020

Which NFL coach is under the most pressure?

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Jan 9, 2020

Bad finish and a tough loss for Badger Basketball

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Jan 8, 2020

How will Mike McCarthy do in Dallas?

87 mins

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