Doctor Rap

Appreciating Shakespeare with Doctor Rap

Junte-se ao Doctor Rap enquanto ele compartilha insights e dicas práticas para aprofundar sua apreciação dos temas e mensagens atemporais de Shakespeare. Disponível em vários formatos.

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The Nature of Art (Series I, Chapter 15, Session 3)

15 mins • May 18, 2021

Episódios recentes

May 18, 2021

The Nature of Art (Series I, Chapter 15, Session 3)

15 mins

May 13, 2021

The Nature of Art (Series I, Chapter 15, Session 2)

24 mins

May 11, 2021

The Nature of Art (Series I, Chapter 15, Session 1)

28 mins

May 6, 2021

Selected Sonnets 129-146 (Series II, Podcast Z)

34 mins

May 4, 2021

Selected Sonnets 73-116 (Series II, Podcast Y)

31 mins

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