This is a documentary series that follows real-life college students to hear about struggles and triumphs as they try to navigate the competitive finance job market. The host, Patrick Curtis, is CEO and Founder of Wall Street Oasis will serve as their mentor for up to two years as they try to achieve their dream job out of college. Will they land their dream position? Will they make the cut? You'll have to listen and join us on the journey to find out (hint: even we don't know when we start)...
- 56Decreased by 10
- 93Increased by 0
Episódios recentes
Dec 8, 2022
E57: Victor (Session 12) - Certified Financial Planner (CFP) Overview + Study Plan
E57 • 34 mins
Nov 24, 2022
E56: Grace (Session 20) - Blackstone Real Estate Internship - the RESULTS
E56 • 20 mins
Nov 17, 2022
E55: Victor (Session 11) - CFP and Insurance Tests on Deck
E55 • 30 mins
Aug 4, 2022
E54: Victor (Session 10) - The Big Promotion
E54 • 17 mins
May 12, 2022
E53: Victor (Session 9) - The Big Move
E53 • 31 mins