Ekuthuleni Meditation

Meditations & Talks from Ekuthuleni

Experimente ensinamentos perspicazes e meditações guiadas dos retiros de Ekuthuleni, com professores globais discutindo budismo, espiritualidade e muito mais. Aproveite a jornada!

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Befriending our Experience - Talk by Sr Jayati - 4.08.19

S2 E1 • 37 mins • Jan 7, 2020

Episódios recentes

Jan 7, 2020

Befriending our Experience - Talk by Sr Jayati - 4.08.19

S2 E1 • 37 mins

Jan 6, 2020

Remembering body - Opening to the larger field of our being - Talk by Sumedha 07.07.19

S1 E2 • 45 mins

Jan 6, 2020

Mindfulness of the body - Guided meditation by Juha Penttila - 07/07/19

S1 E1 • 41 mins

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