TIPS Innovator Diaries

TIPS - Travel, Education, Growth, Study

Junte-se ao anfitrião Ricardo enquanto ele conversa com especialistas sobre educação internacional e viagens. Descubra dicas sobre estudar no exterior, insights de negócios e destinos imperdíveis.

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Why should we start design thinking to solve complex problems, Margriet Buseman - 104

7 mins • Jan 26, 2021

Episódios recentes

Jan 26, 2021

Why should we start design thinking to solve complex problems, Margriet Buseman - 104

7 mins

Jan 19, 2021

Advice to stop talking and start doing. How to Start taking action, Margriet Buseman - 100

7 mins

Jan 18, 2021

Leadership and strategies to spark innovation, Chester Elton - 099

5 mins

Jan 15, 2021

Strategies to become more innovative, Margriet Buseman - 098

7 mins

Jan 14, 2021

how to get the most recharged value from your time-off, Lyndall Farley - 097

6 mins

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