Whitney McKnight

Off the Charts: A Stellar Newscast

Acompanhe dois disruptores da mídia que misturam insights de bastidores com astrologia, trazendo uma visão única e bem-humorada sobre eventos globais ignorados pela mídia tradicional.

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As Pluto pulls up to the bumper:

54 mins • Oct 6, 2023

Episódios recentes

Oct 6, 2023

As Pluto pulls up to the bumper:

54 mins

Sep 1, 2023

Science is to cause as Tarot is to meaning

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Aug 25, 2023

What does 'power to the people' really mean? And, how might it be possible?

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Aug 11, 2023

Barbie redux: a housewife she will never be

7 mins

Aug 4, 2023

Trump and us: We had it coming

52 mins

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