Khadisha Thornhill aka MsWeedWiki

MsWeedwiki SPEAKS Podcast - An ongoing journey of education in cannabis. Normalizing cannabis.

Junte-se à educadora de cannabis MsWeedwiki e a convidados diversos enquanto exploram produtos, estilo de vida e cultura do cannabis neste podcast envolvente para adultos a partir de 19 anos.

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“You gotta get in where you fit in” discussing the transition from legacy to legal weed with brand wizard Shooks Dynamo aka Shaka Wright

S1 E31 • 48 mins • Jun 6, 2021

Episódios recentes

Jun 6, 2021

“You gotta get in where you fit in” discussing the transition from legacy to legal weed with brand wizard Shooks Dynamo aka Shaka Wright

S1 E31 • 48 mins

May 30, 2021

"I began to find my power" a conversation with legacy CannaQueen Miz D (Danielle Jackson)

S1 E30 • 62 mins

May 23, 2021

“I feel that I’m fluent in duck” a conversation with Bobby Sharma of the Big Sharm Show

S1 E29 • 51 mins

May 16, 2021

"That's your healing calling" discussing multi-generational medical cannabis in Florida with Nikki Rouse

S1 E28 • 35 mins

May 9, 2021

“There’s a ritual to smoking a spliff” discussing joint-rolling & navigating the Weed Man with entrepreneur Erica Edwards.

S1 E27 • 34 mins

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