What is in the Talmud?
Explore afirmações sobre referências à crucificação e ressurreição de Jesus em textos antigos. Este programa examina interpretações intrigantes e suas implicações.
Did Jesus really exist? Does the Talmud Support a Historical Jesus?
21 mins • Jan 7, 2020
- 46Increased by 2
Episódios recentes

Jan 7, 2020
Did Jesus really exist? Does the Talmud Support a Historical Jesus?
21 mins

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What does the Talmud say about Jesus?
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Jan 7, 2020
Jesus Crucifixion and empty tomb in the Talmud
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Jan 7, 2020
How the Oral Law was Revered by Early Christians
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Jan 7, 2020
Does the Talmud Discuss Jesus Crucifixion or Mention an Empty Tomb
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