
99 Problems But Gen Z Ain't One

Este podcast traz uma visão sobre tendências de tecnologia em marketing, incentivando jovens profissionais a compartilhar ideias e discutir tópicos relevantes. Sintonize-se semanalmente!

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Marketing mercenaries: The dangers of using follower bots on your social media

14 mins • Dec 7, 2020

Episódios recentes

Dec 7, 2020

Marketing mercenaries: The dangers of using follower bots on your social media

14 mins

Jun 22, 2020

Engagement baiting: Why is LinkedIn such a confused social media platform?

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Jun 15, 2020

The rise of the virtual marketing agency

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Jun 11, 2020

How authentic is your corporate social responsibly policy?

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Apr 28, 2020

Jumping on the bandwagon: Is TikTok the next B2B social media platform?

13 mins

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