
Commuting the Cosmos

Acompanhe Samuel Hinton em uma aventura cósmica, discutindo lares extraterrestres, tecnologia espacial e críticas científicas.

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Black Holes - Is there one inside you right now?

E10 • 20 mins • May 12, 2020

Episódios recentes

May 12, 2020

Black Holes - Is there one inside you right now?

E10 • 20 mins

May 11, 2020

Planet Hunting

E9 • 14 mins

May 11, 2020

How to go fast: Rockets and hot things

E8 • 20 mins

May 11, 2020

Moon Landing - Fact or Fiction?

E7 • 25 mins

May 8, 2020

Can you hear the Big Bang?

E6 • 10 mins

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