
Gizhiiwekweg - Women Who Speak Clearly With A Strong Voice

Este podcast indígena feminino apresenta novas advogadas discutindo questões legais e políticas atuais com honestidade e perspicácia, oferecendo novas perspectivas sobre tópicos importantes.

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Epi 3 - First Voices: Helen Semaganis - Indigenous Representation and Access to Law

59 mins • May 3, 2021


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Episódios recentes

May 3, 2021

Epi 3 - First Voices: Helen Semaganis - Indigenous Representation and Access to Law

59 mins

Mar 15, 2021

Epi 2 - Indigenous and Aboriginal Law: We Are Not The Same

55 mins

Jan 25, 2021

Epi 1 - Introduction of Gizhiiwekweg

E1 • 48 mins

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