Jordan Fenster

Crime Scene: True crime stories and investigations

Explore casos reais de crime fascinantes enquanto cada história se desenrola, revelando as complexidades das investigações, julgamentos e o impacto duradouro sobre os envolvidos.

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'Shots fired:' Listen as cops respond to toddler's death

8 mins • May 8, 2018

Episódios recentes

May 8, 2018

'Shots fired:' Listen as cops respond to toddler's death

8 mins

Apr 19, 2018

5 top criminal justice misconceptions

15 mins

Feb 28, 2018

The mass murder and animal cruelty connection

15 mins

Jan 31, 2018

Paying the price of police work

14 mins

Jan 3, 2018

Brothers in trauma: Police officers and PTSD

22 mins

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