The Upshot

The Upshot


Junte-se a Leah Rose e Justin Richmond enquanto eles exploram histórias fascinantes do mundo da impressão, trazendo à tona narrativas e insights únicos.

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Weed Tourism: Chris Colin on his story "The Eden of Weed"

15 mins • Mar 17, 2016

Episódios recentes

Mar 17, 2016

Weed Tourism: Chris Colin on his story "The Eden of Weed"

15 mins

May 13, 2015

Teen Suicide: Diana Kapp on her story "Why Are Palo Alto's Kids Killing Themselves?"

15 mins

May 4, 2015

Worker's Rights: Lauren Smiley on "What Strippers Can Teach Uber.”

23 mins

Apr 20, 2015

Hate Crime: Dashka Slater on "The Fire on the 57 Bus in Oakland."

28 mins

Apr 6, 2015

Gentrification: Andrew Leonard on the future of San Francisco's Chinatown

14 mins

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