Malc Kent and Jacob Puzey

The Art and Science of Running

Explora la fusión de la creatividad y la ciencia en la carrera, destacando técnicas, consejos e ideas para mejorar tu rendimiento y disfrute del deporte.

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Running Home with Katie Arnold: Love, loss, parenting, movement and stillness in the creative process

S2 E3 • 103 mins • Nov 23, 2020

Episodios recientes

Nov 23, 2020

Running Home with Katie Arnold: Love, loss, parenting, movement and stillness in the creative process

S2 E3 • 103 mins

Nov 13, 2020

Sara Hall on running professionally, longevity, authenticity, parenting, and advocacy

S2 E2 • 75 mins

Oct 19, 2020

Season 2: Episode 1 Catching up with Malc & Jacob, London Marathon, Tommy Rivs, RunScribe, Running Gait Instructional Videos, Education, etc.

S2 E1 • 78 mins

Jun 18, 2020

Episode 29: Mario Mendoza, Increasing Access to Running, Treadmill World Records, Community Outreach, Using his Platform to Effect Change

S1 E29 • 51 mins

Jun 4, 2020

Episode 28: Zach Bitter, 100 Mile Treadmill World Record, Fat Adaptation, Metabolization, and Periodization, Adjusting Training and Racing Plans, Coaching, etc.

97 mins

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