Tyler Misla

Sleep with Sherlock

Tyler comparte cuentos cautivadores del legendario detective, con el objetivo de ayudar a los oyentes a relajarse y encontrar descanso. Disfruta de historias tranquilizadoras para un sueño reparador.

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Take 5 | A Study in Scarlet (Chapter: 3) 1887

S1 E5 • 30 mins • Apr 27, 2023

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Apr 27, 2023

Take 5 | A Study in Scarlet (Chapter: 3) 1887

S1 E5 • 30 mins

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Take 4 | A Study in Scarlet (Chapter: 1&2) 1887

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Mar 13, 2023

Take 3 | The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor (Part: 3) 1892

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Take 2 | The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor (Part: 2) 1892

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Mar 9, 2023

Take 1 | The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor (Part: 1) 1892

S1 E1 • 24 mins

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