Acompaña a Chris Blanchard en conversaciones con agricultores y expertos sobre agricultura orgánica, abarcando salud del suelo y estrategias de marketing.
- 158Decreased by 62
- 188Decreased by 16
Episodios recientes

Aug 30, 2018
176: Jan Libbey of One Step at a Time Gardens on Scaling Up, Scaling Down, and Partnerships and Networking

Aug 30, 2018
176: Jan Libbey of One Step at a Time Gardens on Scaling Up, Scaling Down, and Partnerships and Networking
71 mins

Aug 30, 2018
176: Jan Libbey of One Step at a Time Gardens on Scaling Up, Scaling Down, and Partnerships and Networking

Aug 30, 2018
176: Jan Libbey of One Step at a Time Gardens on Scaling Up, Scaling Down, and Partnerships and Networking

Aug 23, 2018
175: Lauren Palmer of Bloomsbury Farm on Sprouts, CSA, and Community Connections
57 mins

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