Únete a Alan Wallace para un retiro de 8 semanas centrado en Shamatha y el Entrenamiento Mental de Siete Puntos en el Thanyapura Mind Centre en Phuket, Tailandia, de septiembre a octubre de 2013.
04 Mindfulness of breathing and Precious Human Rebirth
• Sep 4, 2013
- 191Decreased by 60
- 178Decreased by 32
- 185Decreased by 68
- 187Decreased by 25
- 117Decreased by 2
Episodios recientes

Sep 4, 2013
04 Mindfulness of breathing and Precious Human Rebirth

Sep 4, 2013
03 Gratitude for recognising dukha and settling Body Speech and Mind in its natural state

Sep 4, 2013
02 Motivation and Seven-Point Mind Training

Sep 4, 2013
01 Settling the Body, Speech and Mind in its Natural State

Sep 3, 2013
00 Welcome and introduction to the retreat

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