Bipolar UK

Lets Talk Bipolar - by Bipolar UK

Únete a Emma Belle mientras comparte historias y perspectivas sobre la vida con el trastorno bipolar, incluyendo experiencias de individuos, familias y expertos.

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2.10 Melissa Duncan and Jihan Gabart - Melissa was diagnosed with Bipolar 1. Jihan has been her best friend and carer to Melissa, living through 9/11 and navigating Mel living with with bipolar

S2 E10 • 49 mins • Dec 14, 2022

Episodios recientes

Dec 14, 2022

2.10 Melissa Duncan and Jihan Gabart - Melissa was diagnosed with Bipolar 1. Jihan has been her best friend and carer to Melissa, living through 9/11 and navigating Mel living with with bipolar

S2 E10 • 49 mins

Nov 30, 2022

2.09 Professor Allan Young - answers your questions on Bipolar, Lithium, recovery and the top 3 things to stay well and why

S2 E9 • 56 mins

Nov 16, 2022

2.08 Anastasia Mclean - Diagnosed with Bipolar II in 2015 when she was 20 years old after seeing psychiatrists since the age of 9, also lives with Narcolepsy and PTSD.

S2 E8 • 41 mins

Nov 2, 2022

2.07 Paul Allen - Supporting my adult child through diagnosis and living with Bipolar

S2 E7 • 63 mins

Oct 19, 2022

2.06 Natalie Leeke - lived as a nun for 11 years and has recently been diagnosed with Bipolar - navigating multiple medication changes to find what works best.

S2 E6 • 53 mins

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