David Manning

The Emotional Release Podcast

Découvrez la relation complexe entre les émotions et la santé physique grâce aux insights de David Manning. Découvrez comment les sentiments impactent votre bien-être et votre vie quotidienne.

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Episode 1 | Can emotions really store in the body?

S1 E1 • 11 mins • May 23, 2020

Épisodes récents

May 23, 2020

Episode 1 | Can emotions really store in the body?

S1 E1 • 11 mins

May 21, 2020

Episode 3 | Why most people forgot how to feel

S1 E3 • 8 mins

Apr 29, 2020

Episode 2 | Why releasing blocked Emotions is the Key to owning your Life

S1 E2 • 14 mins

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