Andrew Howard

The Sixth Form Bolton Podcast

Des conversations engageantes qui explorent des sujets tels que les stratégies d'apprentissage, les conseils d'étude et la santé mentale pour soutenir les étudiants dans leurs parcours académiques.

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Instagram and it’s impact on mental health

S2 E1 • 15 mins • Nov 11, 2021

Épisodes récents

Nov 11, 2021

Instagram and it’s impact on mental health

S2 E1 • 15 mins

Jun 21, 2021

Studying medicine at university. Insights from a current medicine student.

32 mins

May 25, 2021

Women, safety and society part 2 with special guest Carole Swarbrick.

26 mins

Apr 30, 2021

Girls in society and safety

14 mins

Mar 26, 2021

Woman, society and feeling safe. A conversation with Sandra McManus and three first year students.

45 mins

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