Andrew Howard

The Sixth Form Bolton Podcast

Conversas envolventes que exploram tópicos como estratégias de aprendizado, dicas de estudo e saúde mental para apoiar os alunos em suas jornadas acadêmicas.

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Instagram and it’s impact on mental health

S2 E1 • 15 mins • Nov 11, 2021

Episódios recentes

Nov 11, 2021

Instagram and it’s impact on mental health

S2 E1 • 15 mins

Jun 21, 2021

Studying medicine at university. Insights from a current medicine student.

32 mins

May 25, 2021

Women, safety and society part 2 with special guest Carole Swarbrick.

26 mins

Apr 30, 2021

Girls in society and safety

14 mins

Mar 26, 2021

Woman, society and feeling safe. A conversation with Sandra McManus and three first year students.

45 mins

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