International Federation on Ageing

Reframing Healthy Ageing

Découvrez les enjeux du vieillissement mondial avec Dr. Jane Barratt et des experts, qui abordent les défis et solutions pour une meilleure santé en vieillissant.

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Episode 5: Measuring impact in the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing

S1 E5 • 36 mins • May 22, 2023

Épisodes récents

May 22, 2023

Episode 5: Measuring impact in the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing

S1 E5 • 36 mins

May 22, 2023

Episode 4: Prioritizing coordination of care in global health systems across the life-course

S1 E4 • 35 mins

May 22, 2023

Episode 3: Equity in healthy ageing

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May 22, 2023

Episode 2: Prioritizing prevention to advance economies, societies, and longevity

S1 E2 • 44 mins

May 11, 2023

Episode 1: From the Friends of Europe Summit – Health at the center of society

S1 E1 • 57 mins

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