Ce podcast explore l'étude anglaise sur le vieillissement et son influence sur la recherche et les politiques pour favoriser des vies plus saines et heureuses.
Volunteering: good for others and good for you
E8 • 25 mins • Nov 25, 2020
- 79Decreased by 37
- 14Decreased by 5
Épisodes récents

Nov 25, 2020
Volunteering: good for others and good for you
E8 • 25 mins

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Dementia - who's at risk and why?
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Pension freedoms: how is it working?
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Feb 10, 2020
Adding life to our years: The Centre for Ageing Better and ELSA
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Jan 21, 2020
Social prescribing: how can ELSA help to investigate its potential benefits?
E4 • 18 mins

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