English Longitudinal Study of Ageing

elsa podcast

Este podcast examina o Estudo Longitudinal de Idade da Inglaterra, destacando seu impacto na pesquisa e na política para promover vidas mais saudáveis e felizes à medida que envelhecemos.

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Volunteering: good for others and good for you

E8 • 25 mins • Nov 25, 2020

Episódios recentes

Nov 25, 2020

Volunteering: good for others and good for you

E8 • 25 mins

Sep 20, 2020

Dementia - who's at risk and why?

E7 • 19 mins

Mar 30, 2020

Pension freedoms: how is it working?

E6 • 20 mins

Feb 10, 2020

Adding life to our years: The Centre for Ageing Better and ELSA

E5 • 17 mins

Jan 21, 2020

Social prescribing: how can ELSA help to investigate its potential benefits?

E4 • 18 mins

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