Apple Podcasts – ノルウェー – 宗教/スピリチュアル
Apple Podcasts チャートのトップポッドキャスト(ノルウェー、カテゴリ: 宗教/スピリチュアル)。
- 1Increased by 0Bauer Media
Den Andre Siden
- 2Increased by 0Marianne Magelssen
Pust for livet
- 3Increased by 0Vårt Land
- 4Increased by 3Lyder Produksjoner
Uforklarlig med Lilli Bendriss
- 5Increased by 4PLAN-B
Triana & Juliet: Dans på roser
- 6Increased by 10Camillo Løken
Åndelige Tanker med Camillo
- 7Decreased by 3Healer Susanne & Erik Ertsland Askvik
Uhøytidelig spirituell - Healer Susanne og Erik Ertsland Askvik
- 8Decreased by 3Camillo Løken
Åndelig Påfyll - hver tirsdag
- 9Decreased by 1Tonje Hoff
En klang av sannhet- med Tonje Hoff og gjester
- 10Decreased by 4Tro & Medier
Bibelen på podkast
- 11Increased by 0P7 Kristen Riksradio og
Fast Føde
- 12Increased by 13Bibelselskapet
- 13Increased by
Wisdom From North med Jannecke Øinæs
- 14Decreased by 2Tro og Medier
Bibelen på ett år
- 15Increased by 7P7 Kristen Riksradio
Veien gjennom Bibelen - en podcast fra P7 Kristen Riksradio
- 16Increased by 84Med Jonas & gjengen!
Grenseløs Spiritualitet
- 17Increased by 6IMI-kirken Kollektivet
IMI-kirken Kollektivet
- 18Increased by 9BibleProject Podcast
- 19Increased by 14StoriTro
Stor i Tro
- 21Increased by 14Sjelesorgpodden
- 22Decreased by 1Tim Keller
Timothy Keller Sermons Podcast by Gospel in Life
- 23NEWJohn Eldredge
Wild at Heart
- 24Decreased by 14Kari Opsal
Sjel til Sjel
- 25Increased by 37pTro
- 26Increased by 39Life.Church
Life.Church with Craig Groeschel
- 27Increased by 57IMI-kirken
IMI-kirken taler
- 29Increased by 50NRK
- 30Increased by 45Laget NKSS
Grill En Kristen-podden
- 31Increased by
- 32Decreased by 19OKS
OKS Lederforum
- 33Decreased by 13Marianne Eide
- 34NEWAmir Tsarfati
Behold Israel
- 35Increased by
Pastor Rick's Daily Hope
- 36NEWIntuitive Astrology with Molly McCord
Intuitive Astrology with Molly McCord
- 37Increased by - Tro & Medier - Damaris Norge
Oppstandelsen - Er den historisk troverdig?
- 38Decreased by 9OKS
- 39NEWRuslanKD
Ruslan's Bless God Podcast
- 40NEWApologetics Canada
The AC Podcast
- 41Increased by 14Salt Bergen
- 42NEWAaron & Sarahbeth Smith, Elyssa Figueroa, Raffi Greco
The Handlebar Podcast
- 45NEWFiladelfiakirken Drammen
Troen og livet
- 46NEWSan Francisco Zen Center
San Francisco Zen Center Dharma Talks
- 47Decreased by 16Damaris Norge
Snakk om Tro - Med dobbel lytting til Bibel og samtid
- 48NEWTara-Leigh Cobble
The Bible Recap
- 49NEWPlum Village
The Way Out Is In
- 50NEWRebekah Billings
Chronologically Through the Bible in One Year
- 51NEWRandesund misjonskirke
Randesund misjonskirke
- 52NEWHøyskolen for ledelse og teologi
- 53NEWMonica Berg and Michael Berg
Spiritually Hungry
- 55NEWAl Quran
Quran English
- 56NEWFire & Fragrance
Fire & Fragrance Podcast
- 57NEWRed Church
- 58NEWSan Francisco Zen Center
Young Urban Zen SF
- 59NEWRettilee Al-Quraan
Women of Qurān
- 60Decreased by 41Chandresh Bhardwaj
Chandresh B. presents The Leela Show
- 62NEWAlbaseerah
Albaseerah Podcasts
- 63NEWOscar Lied
Frimodig forkynnelse
- 64NEWSidra Shafique
Stories of Prophets in Islam
- 65NEWislami
الشيخ ياسر الدوسري
- 66NEWOslo Østre Frikirke
Oslo Østre Frikirke
- 67NEWJo Hickey-Hall
The Modern Fairy Sightings Podcast
- 68NEWShannon & Laura
Turns Out She's a Witch
- 69NEWShaykh Abdul Nasir Jangda
Qalam Seerah: Life of the Prophet (pbuh)
- 70NEWBBC Radio Wales
All Things Considered
- 71NEWAccessMore
Christine Caine's Life & Leadership Podcast with Propel Women
- 72NEWإذاعة إنسان
insan broadcast | إذاعة إنسان
- 73NEWR.T. Mullins
The Reluctant Theologian Podcast
- 74NEWХристианский подкаст, Норвегия
Христианский подкаст, Норвегия
- 75NEWiHeartPodcasts
- 76NEWBSSM Canada Alumni Podcast
BSSM Canada Alumni Podcast
- 77NEWDesiring God
Articles by Desiring God
- 78NEWLilith Astrology
Black Moon Lilith Rising
- 80Decreased by 16Filadelfiakirken Oslo
Filadelfiakirken Oslo
- 81Decreased by 53Practicing the Way
John Mark Comer Teachings
- 82Decreased by 58Rupert Spira
Rupert Spira Podcast
- 83Decreased by 51Jesusfellesskapet
- 84Decreased by 54Bethel Redding
Bethel Redding Sermon of the Week
- 85Decreased by 25Ascension
The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)
- 86Decreased by 47Magne Vik Ravndal
På trua laus - en podkast fra Nidaros bispedømme
- 87Decreased by 30ivar.vehler
I lys av mindfulness med Ivar Vehler og gjester
- 88Decreased by 54Tami Simon
Sounds True: Insights at the Edge
- 89Decreased by 63Astrology Hub
Astrology Hub Podcast
- 90Increased by 13Justin Brierley
The Surprising Rebirth Of Belief In God
- 91Decreased by 35Passion Åsane
Liv & Lederskap med Daniel Sæbjørnsen
- 92Increased by 10Joel Osteen, SiriusXM
Joel Osteen Podcast
- 93Increased by 49Tara Brach
Tara Brach
- 94Decreased by 53Mind Body
The Miracle of Healing
- 95Decreased by 57Andliga Klubben
Andliga Klubben
- 96Decreased by 59Areopagos
- 97Decreased by 36The Atheist Community of Austin
The Atheist Experience
- 98Decreased by 58Joseph Prince
Joseph Prince Audio Podcast
- 99Decreased by 63The Foursquare Church
Foursquare Leader Conversations
- 100Decreased by 461517 Podcasts
Hidden Streams
- 101NEWSandra Champlain
WE DON'T DIE® Radio with host Sandra Champlain
- 102Decreased by 56Iris Global
Green Room
- 103Decreased by 60Matt McMillen
Walk Talks With Matt McMillen
- 104Decreased by 62Angell Deer / The Sanctuary
Sacred Paths with Angell Deer
- 105NEWالشيخ مصطفى دياب
صور من حياة الصحابة
- 106NEW
فضائل الصحابة – أبو سحاق الحويني
- 107Decreased by 63IGMG KGT
- 108Decreased by 63OMG
OMG Podcast
- 109Decreased by 62Ebba Bjelkholm
Fråga Stjärnorna
- 110Decreased by 629Marks
Pastors Talk - A podcast by 9Marks
- 111Decreased by 62Knut Refsdal
Kirke på nye måter
- 112Decreased by 62Laylla & Chelle
Back on the Broomstick: Old Witchcraft, New Path
- 113NEWMelissa Dougherty
The Melissa Dougherty Podcast
- 114Decreased by 639Marks
Bible Talk — A podcast by 9Marks & Southern Seminary
- 115Decreased by 63The Foursquare Church
Foursquare Leader Minute
- 116NEWالإصلاح ما استطعت
قصص الصحابة للمهندس علاء حامد
- 117Decreased by 64The Foursquare Church
Foursquare Connection
- 119Decreased by 43FolkCraft
- 120Decreased by 61Desiring God
Ask Pastor John
- 121Decreased by 58Mike Winger
- 122Decreased by 16Unpacked
Unpacking Israeli History
- 123Decreased by 22Yaqeen Institute
Qur'an 30 for 30, a Yaqeen Series
- 124Increased by 62Ahson Syed
Life of the Prophet Muhammad
- 125Decreased by 43EB Media
EB Media
- 126Decreased by 59Anabella Rerup
Det Spirituelle Kompas
- 127Decreased by 59Audrey Dutton
Eat Me Drink Me Podcast
- 128Decreased by 56J.John
The J.John Podcast
- 129NEWNiclas Laaksonen & Tony Martinsson | LaxTon Ghost Sweden
Spökjakt På Riktigt – LaxTon Podden
- 130Decreased by 38Guided Meditations & Talks
Guided Meditations & Talks
- 132Decreased by 42Amanda Yates Garcia, Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs
Between the Worlds Podcast
- 133Decreased by 63Tanketrigger
- 134Decreased by 68Sandnes Misjonskirke & Melkebaren
- 135NEWJoyce Meyer
Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life® TV Audio Podcast
- 137Decreased by 68Guru Viking
Guru Viking Podcast
- 138Decreased by 61Christopher Hareesh Wallis
Tantra Illuminated with Dr. Christopher Wallis
- 139Decreased by 68Norea Mediemisjon
Troens Menn
- 140Increased by 3Minghui Radio: Falun Gong / Falun Dafa
Falun Dafa News and Cultivation
- 141Decreased by 68Jesus Culture
Jesus Culture Sacramento Message of the Week
- 142Decreased by 62Beth Allison Barr and Savannah Locke
All the Buried Women
- 143Decreased by 69Bryan Mercier
Catholic Truth Podcast
- 144Decreased by 66the Girl Named Blake
The Speakeasy
- 145Decreased by 64Mark Driscoll
The Mark Driscoll Podcast
- 146Decreased by 48Wayne Jacobsen
The God Journey
- 147Decreased by 62Paige Vanderbeck
The Fat Feminist Witch
- 148Decreased by 62Against Everyone With Conner Habib
Against Everyone with Conner Habib
- 149Decreased by
St. Jakob Kirke
- 150Decreased by 62Erik Andreassen
KROPP - med Erik Andreassen
- 151Decreased by 60Syed Sarfraz Ahmad Shah
Syed Sarfraz Ahmad Shah
- 152Decreased by 59Ancient Conspiracies
Ancient Conspiracies
- 153Decreased by 59Cecilia Ekman
Spirituella Samtal
- 155Decreased by 58Emy Moore
Saved Not Soft
- 156Decreased by 60ericgilmour
Eric Gilmour
- 157Decreased by 52St Rita Radio
Katolsk podkast | St Rita Radio | EWTN Norge
- 158Decreased by 59Reality SF
Reality San Francisco
- 159Decreased by 45David Ghiyam
The David Ghiyam Podcast
- 160Decreased by 5Alex Ferrari
Next Level Soul Podcast with Alex Ferrari
- 161Decreased by 53P7 Kristen Riksradio
Vindu mot livet - med Ola Bjorland
- 162Decreased by 51P7 Kristen Riksradio
Vindu mot livet - med Johnn R. Hardang
- 163NEWJoyce Meyer
Joyce Meyer Enjoying Everyday Life® Radio Podcast
- 164Increased by 24Oasen Media
Taler Filadelfia Kristiansand
- 165Decreased by 61Lee Harris
Impact the World with Lee Harris
- 166Increased by 25Jens Fougner
- 167Decreased by 11Samaneri Jayasara
Wisdom of the Masters
- 168Decreased by 56Logos-podden
- 169NEWYaqeen Institute
The Firsts
- 170Decreased by 20jmradiopodcasts
Podcasts fra Jæren Misjonsradio (
- 171Decreased by 51Marcus Wallin
Marcus´ hjørne
- 172NEWMisjonssalen Oslo
Misjonssalen Oslo
- 173Decreased by 45Chris Brennan
The Astrology Podcast
- 174Decreased by 64Norea Mediemisjon
Over en åpen Bibel
- 175NEWNot Sorry Productions
Harry Potter and the Sacred Text
- 176Decreased by 29Simon Stisen
Størst av alt?
- 177Decreased by 56Richard Rohlin, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick, and Ancient Faith Ministries
The Great Tales
- 178Decreased by 69Julie Roys
The Roys Report
- 179Decreased by 35alternatid
- 180Decreased by 67Connie Zweig
Dr. Neil's Spiritual Awakening to Non-Duality
- 181Decreased by 58هلال السيد
- 182Decreased by 58Crazy Love Ministries
Crazy Love Podcast
- 183Decreased by 51Vision of Profound Healing
Vision Chat
- 184Decreased by 68Dallas Willard
The Dallas Willard Podcast
- 185Decreased by 701517 Podcasts
30 Minutes In The New Testament
- 186Decreased by 49Sarah Wudkte
Christian Travelers’ Network
- 187Decreased by 30Adam Elenbaas
The Nightlight Astrology Podcast
- 188Decreased by 71Norsk Luthersk Lekmannsmisjon
Norsk Luthersk Lekmannsmisjon
- 189Decreased by 71Brett Larkin |
The Uplifted Yoga Podcast
- 190Decreased by 71Kristent Fellesskap Oslo
Kristent Fellesskap Oslo
- 191Decreased by 69Norea Mediemisjon
Håpets kvinner
- 192Decreased by 67G3 Ministries
The G3 Podcast
- 193Decreased by 66Rev. Charles G. Robinette
Apostolic Mentoring
- 194Decreased by 68Sikhs In Leeds
Sikhs in Leeds
- 195Decreased by 66Elim, Tistedal baptistkirke
ELIM, Tistedal baptistkirke
- 196Decreased by 661517 Podcasts
Thinking Fellows
- 197Decreased by 66Dustin Smith
The Biblical Unitarian Podcast
- 198Decreased by 65Basics of Sikhi
Basics of Sikhi Podcast
- 199Decreased by 65Sikh Research Institute
The Sikh Cast
- 200Decreased by 65Wisdom That Breathes by Keshava Maharaja
Wisdom That Breathes by Keshava Maharaja