Shelly Eckenroth

Select Medical Podcasts

Junte-se a David Chernow enquanto ele conversa com membros da equipe da Select Medical que exemplificam dedicação e excelência, compartilhando histórias inspiradoras de suas experiências diversas.

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The Extra Mile w/ David Chernow - Episode 11: Bob Ortenzio and David Chernow talk about the impact of COVID-19 on the industry and company, then discuss living values that guide inclusion and diversity

S1 E11 • 38 mins • Jun 30, 2020

Episódios recentes

Jun 30, 2020

The Extra Mile w/ David Chernow - Episode 11: Bob Ortenzio and David Chernow talk about the impact of COVID-19 on the industry and company, then discuss living values that guide inclusion and diversity

S1 E11 • 38 mins

Jun 23, 2020

The Extra Mile w/ David Chernow - Episode 10: Kerry Dishner talks of the importance of relationships, adaptability and technology in a pandemic. Gloria Skinner shares her gratitude for regional and hospital clinical teams and why it is critical to stay on

S1 E10 • 37 mins

Jun 11, 2020

The Extra Mile w/ David Chernow Episode 9: Bill Walters talks politics in a pandemic & Brian Williams discusses partnership growth amidst COVID-19

S1 E9 • 29 mins

Jun 3, 2020

The Extra Mile w/ David Chernow Episode 8: Pete Manning talks about how the ReVital program adapted to care for cancer patients amidst the pandemic & Alan Evans discusses a newly launched outpatient therapy program called Recovery & Reconditioning

S1 E8 • 30 mins

May 27, 2020

The Extra Mile w/ David Chernow Episode 7: Brian Rusignuolo talks about being nimble and innovating during COVID-19 & Jim Dehoff shares how his team kept construction projects moving forward in the pandemic

S1 E7 • 28 mins

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