Guided meditations by Dr. Andrea Pennington
Guided meditations by Dr. Andrea Pennington
Sintonize-se para uma meditação de atenção plena em 5 etapas que promove a saúde emocional, desperta a criatividade e nutre conexões e intimidade mais profundas em sua vida.
In times of terror and tragedy, we are called to love | An interview with Sister Jenna
36 mins • Jul 19, 2016
- 185NEW
- 198NEW
- 72Decreased by 16
Episódios recentes

Jul 19, 2016
In times of terror and tragedy, we are called to love | An interview with Sister Jenna
36 mins

Jun 29, 2016
Day 21: Kindness creates confidence, profundity & love ~ Lao Tzu
14 mins

Jun 28, 2016
Day 20: When we know how to listen to our hearts, we can listen to the hearts of others ~ Stephen Covey
14 mins

Jun 28, 2016
Day 19: Every time you smile it is an action of love ~ Mother Theresa
14 mins

Jun 27, 2016
Day 18: As you travel through life, offer good wishes to each being you meet. ~ The Buddha
14 mins

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