Talia Pollock


Esta série envolvente explora a busca por significado na vida cotidiana, misturando humor e insights de várias áreas para inspirar uma vida autêntica e o crescimento pessoal.

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My Existentialism Story, What's a Narrative Identity?, Why I 👎 Advice (+ refuse to say "frown lines")

21 mins • Oct 26, 2021

Episódios recentes

Oct 26, 2021

My Existentialism Story, What's a Narrative Identity?, Why I 👎 Advice (+ refuse to say "frown lines")

21 mins

Oct 8, 2021

NEW NEW! Meet: Existennial The Show

S1 E1 • 13 mins

Dec 19, 2020

[party in my plants] 208: It’s The End of an Era! and the Beginning of My Journey with Bipolar 2. with special guest, Mr. Party in My Plants

62 mins

Dec 10, 2020

[party in my plants] 207: This is Your Brain on Plant Food, with Dr. Uma Naidoo, Food Psychiatrist

57 mins

Dec 3, 2020

[party in my plants] 206: THE WHAT IS HUMAN DESIGN EPISODE with Nikki Brafman

74 mins

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