Darya Rose, Ph.D

Foodist with Darya Rose, Ph.D

Acompanhe Darya Rose, Ph.D., e conheça histórias de pessoas que mudaram suas vidas com Comida de Verdade. Veja jornadas de saúde e dicas práticas de bem-estar.

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Dr. Rhonda Patrick - Why Eating Fish, But Not Omega-3 Supplements, Can Help Prevent Alzheimer's

68 mins • Dec 17, 2018

Episódios recentes

Dec 17, 2018

Dr. Rhonda Patrick - Why Eating Fish, But Not Omega-3 Supplements, Can Help Prevent Alzheimer's

68 mins

Nov 8, 2018

How To Protect Yourself and Your Family From Food Poisoning

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Oct 17, 2018

James Clear – The 4 Laws of Behavior Change

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Sep 28, 2018

Dr. Yoni Freedhoff – Why you must like your life if you want to keep weight off

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May 17, 2018

How To Stop Yourself From Nighttime Bingeing

57 mins

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