Um ex-recordista de levantamento de peso compartilha sua busca por bem-estar mental e alegria enquanto treina para um retorno nas competições de levantamento de peso, fisiculturismo e strongman.
#75: We back | Changes to podcast | Moving the goalposts (again)
24 mins • Sep 4, 2020
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Episódios recentes

Sep 4, 2020
#75: We back | Changes to podcast | Moving the goalposts (again)
24 mins

Aug 8, 2020
#74 BONUS: A New Bromance with Harry Moore - Team ForNever Lean
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Aug 7, 2020
#73: Busy, busy, busy | Great podcast with TFNL's Harry dropping | Figuring shit out
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Aug 5, 2020
#72: Shooting the shit with Geno the PL Pirate
1 mins

Aug 3, 2020
#71: A lot has changed | Back on meds soon? | Why I need a label for this mental health stuff
27 mins

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