Este podcast oferece aos estudantes de medicina insights valiosos sobre seleção de especialidades e planejamento de carreira, apresentando entrevistas com médicos de diversas áreas.
Ep 072 - PICU (and Entrepreneurship) with Dr. Arup Roy-Burman
126 mins • Sep 27, 2019
- 176Decreased by 24
- 195Decreased by 37
- 187Decreased by 53
- 199Decreased by 18
- 185Increased by 12
Episódios recentes

Sep 27, 2019
Ep 072 - PICU (and Entrepreneurship) with Dr. Arup Roy-Burman
126 mins

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Ep 071 - The Hybrid Specialist and Non-Traditional Careers with Author/Surgeon Dr. Marty Makary
120 mins

Aug 14, 2019
Ep 070 - Ophthalmology with Dr. Tamar Shafran
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Jun 3, 2019
Calling All Premeds - New Podcast "All Access: Med School Admissions"
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Apr 22, 2019
Ep 069 - Preventive Medicine with Dr. Janani Krishnaswami
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