Apple Podcasts – Spanien – Alternative Therapien
Top-Podcasts in Spanien aus den Apple Podcasts Charts für Alternative Therapien.
- 1Increased by 1Dr Rangan Chatterjee: GP & Author
Feel Better, Live More with Dr Rangan Chatterjee
- 2Decreased by 1Pau Ninja
Pau Ninja
- 3Increased by 17Matt Coffman
Integrative Thoughts
- 4Increased by 17Victoria Moradell
El podcast de Victoria Moradell
- 5Increased by 21Nils Behrens - Sunday
HEALTHWISE - Der Gesundheits- und Longevitypodcast.
- 6Decreased by 3Lucas Casanova
Budismo en Zapatillas
- 7Increased by 45Nicole Sachs, LCSW
The Cure for Chronic Pain with Nicole Sachs, LCSW
- 8Increased by 68Relajación y bienestar - Raquel Tolmo
Música relajante y sonidos naturales
- 9Increased by 72Alberto Medina y Anette Ruiz
Tradiciones Sabias
- 10Increased by 79BiomagCelia
Biomag Family
- 11NEWKensho Life
Meditaciones Guiadas de Kensho Life
- 12NEWClaudia Gilani
Healing The Source
- 13NEWTxarly Metal
- 14Increased by 157Khushbu Vyas
The Yoga Nidra Podcast
- 15NEWShannon McPhee
Supernova Yoga Nidra Podcast
- 16Decreased by 12Marta Bellés
Verde Menta-Bohom Feng Shui
- 17Decreased by 12Cuida tu Energía Vital - Amanesencia
Cuida tu Energía Vital - Naturopatía
- 18Decreased by 10La Canopée
Nidra, le yoga du sommeil
- 19Decreased by 13Mario Luna - NetKaizen (Podcast)
Mario Luna - Podcast
- 20Decreased by 9mindbodygreen
The mindbodygreen Podcast
- 21Decreased by 14Método Silva
Método Silva
- 22Decreased by 13Miguel Angel Nogueira Floreani
Medicina Oriental para la vida diaria - Gratuito
- 23Decreased by 13Christian Ortiz
Axis Mundi – Camino Interior
- 24Decreased by 12Vicen Montserrat
Volver a ser salvajemente humano: Vicen Montserrat
- 25Decreased by 12Marjena Moll
Afvallen met Etenslessen van Marjena Moll
- 26Decreased by 12Dear Media, Arielle Lorre
Well with Arielle Lorre
- 27Decreased by 12CBDMEX
- 28Decreased by 6Danica Thornberry
The Babymakers : A Fertility Podcast
- 29Decreased by 13Rosalee de la Forêt
Herbs with Rosalee
- 30Decreased by 11Dylan Fry
Como Recuperarse Del Dolor Crónico
- 31Decreased by 14JAVIER FURMAN
- 32Decreased by 14Dr. Tyna Moore
The Dr. Tyna Show
- 33Decreased by 10Meditaciones Guiadas
Meditaciones Guiadas
- 34Decreased by 10Mindful In Minutes Meditation
Mindful In Minutes Meditation
- 35Decreased by 10The Way Forward
The Way Forward with Alec Zeck
- 36Decreased by 8GORLIZ KIROLAK
Respiraciones Y Relajaciones
- 37Decreased by 10Relaxation Sounds Podcast
Relaxation Sounds
- 38Decreased by 9bukazoid85
Познер (аудио-версия)
- 39Decreased by 9Kim Foster, M.D.
The Wellness Project with Dr. Kim Foster
- 40Decreased by 9Jorge Rial Bio Coach PCC - Terapeuta en Psicosomática Clínica
Libres Pensadores Conscientes | Jorge Rial Bio Coach
- 41Decreased by 9Kate O'Donnell
Everyday Ayurveda with Kate
- 42Decreased by 9elclubdelosimperfectos
El Club de los Imperfectos's Podcast
- 43Decreased by 9Borja Vilaseca - Oficial
Conferencias - Borja Vilaseca Oficial
- 44Decreased by 7Mónica García
Ponte al Mando | Desarrollo y Crecimiento Personal
- 45Decreased by 9Holistic Life Navigation
Holistic Life Navigation
- 46Decreased by 8Lourdes Alcaraz
Lourdes Alcaraz
- 47Decreased by 8Inna Topiler
Thyroid Mystery Solved: Hashimoto's and Hypothyroidism Revealed
- 49Decreased by 8Un Cafe Con Las Brujas
Un Café con las Brujas
- 50Decreased by 8Sky Denton
Ankylosing Spondylitis - Reduce Your Pain!
- 51Decreased by 16Keren Rose
Contre-addictions par Rose
- 52Decreased by 4Leslie ASMR
ASMR en Español | Leslie ASMR
- 53Decreased by 8Slumber Studios
Get Sleepy: Sleep meditation and stories
- 54Decreased by 11Nature's Sounds for Relaxation
- 55Decreased by 11John R. Miles
Passion Struck with John R. Miles
- 56Decreased by 9Weston A. Price Foundation w/ Hilda Labrada Gore
Wise Traditions
- 57Decreased by 11Dr. Stephanie Estima
Better! with Dr. Stephanie
- 58Decreased by 8Chloé Genicot
- 59Decreased by 10Enyógate
Enyógate Podcast
- 60Decreased by 9Medicina Ancestral
Medicina Ancestral
- 61Increased by
Tracks To Relax Sleep Meditations
- 62Increased by 0Sleepiest & Jessica Porter
Sleep Magic: Guided Sleep Hypnosis & Meditation
- 63Decreased by 6Sleep Resonance
Brown Noise for Sleep
- 64Increased by 38 Hour Sleep Music
8 Hour Sleep Music
- 65Decreased by 10Sonoro | sabiduriapsicodelica
Sabiduría Psicodélica
- 66Decreased by 38 Hour Sleep Music
8 Hour Binaural Beats
- 67Decreased by 14Ángeles Wolder
Ángeles Wolder
- 68Decreased by 12Otis Gray
- 69Decreased by 11Conectando Gotas
Conectando Gotas - Aceites Esenciales
- 70Decreased by 11The Midlife Mentors
The Midlife Mentors
- 71Decreased by 11Laura Mascaró
Eterno Veraneante - Aceites esenciales y bienestar
- 72Decreased by 11Maye Nazariega
Aceites esenciales: El Amor En Una Gota
- 73Increased by 30sassysobermum
Sober Stories from Everyday People
- 74Increased by 14Dhru Purohit
Dhru Purohit Show
- 75Decreased by 21To Be Magnetic™
EXPANDED Podcast by To Be Magnetic™
- 76Increased by 67Mar del Cerro. Guía de Meditación y Coach de Bienestar
Agradecida Podcast
- 77Decreased by 13Aaron Alexander
Align Podcast
- 79Increased by 35Lauren Ostrowski Fenton
SLEEP MEDITATION with Lauren Ostrowski Fenton
- 80Increased by 64Sol Good Media
Rain Sounds - 10 Hour
- 81Decreased by 13Dr. Michael Ruscio, DC
Dr. Ruscio Radio, DC: Health, Nutrition and Functional Healthcare
- 82Decreased by 8Krista Williams & Lindsey Simcik
Almost 30
- 83Increased by 17Sol Good Network
Sleep Sounds -10 Hour Sounds for Sleep, Meditation, & Relaxation
- 84Decreased by 18Adam Keen
Keen on Yoga Podcast
- 85Decreased by 16Dr. Jesús Morales
Ayurveda: Autosanación
- 86Decreased by 16Dr. Tom Cowan
Conversations with Dr. Cowan & Friends
- 87Decreased by 16Qualia Life
Collective Insights
- 88Decreased by 16Michael Karlfeldt
Integrative Cancer Solutions with Dr. Karlfeldt
- 89Decreased by 16Brett Hawes
Beyond Health
- 90Increased by 35Dear Media
The Wellness Process
- 92Increased by 26Jorge Micheli
Terapia de Regresiones
- 93Decreased by 13Béa Victoria Albina
Feminist Wellness
- 94Decreased by 29RocioSantibanezMetodoYuen
Rocio Santibañez Metodo Yuen
- 95Decreased by 18Kayla Barnes-Lentz
Longevity Optimization with Kayla Barnes-Lentz
- 96Decreased by 17Corinne Angelica
Mind Your Hormones
- 99Decreased by 15Lauren Johnson (@naturalnursemomma) and Dr. Charlie Fagenholz (@drcharliedc_2.0)
Red Pill Your Healthcast
- 100Decreased by 10Olivia Amitrano
What's The Juice
- 101NEWAt Home with Kelly + Tiffany
At Home with Kelly + Tiffany
- 102NEWLeah Brueggemann
Balancing Hormones Naturally
- 103NEWNatalia Salas
Desafía tu menopausia (DTM)
- 104Decreased by 10Coral and Natalie Golding
The RAISE Podcast
- 105NEWKelly and Karen Sarlo,
Coffee with the Sarlos
- 106Decreased by 19Jesse Chappus
The Ultimate Health Podcast
- 107Increased by 43Dr. Anthony Youn
The Doctor Youn Show
- 108Increased by 18Ari Whitten
The Energy Blueprint Podcast
- 109Decreased by 31Sara and Les Raymond
The Mindful Movement Podcast and Community
- 110Increased by 88Ben Azadi
Metabolic Freedom With Ben Azadi
- 111Increased by 0Andre Sosa
Cómo sobrellevar la ANSIEDAD
- 112NEWmantrafm
Podcast Mantra FM
- 113NEWErnesto Lozada
Hipnosis Regresiva Multidimensional Profesor Lozada
- 114Increased by 3Arundhati Baitmangalkar
Let's Talk Yoga
- 115Decreased by 22Academia Wudang Sanfeng Gongfu Ensenada
Qigong "el Arte De Vivir En Armonía"
- 116Increased by 20Lilo
Lilo Cósmica
- 117NEWRadhi Yoga
En Esencia - Reflexiones con Radhi Yoga
- 118NEWBiometabolismo Holístico
El origen y el fin del hipotiroidismo
- 119Decreased by 21Mountain Rose Herbs
Herbal Radio
- 120NEWNora DeBora
The Ultimate Pregnancy Prep Podcast
- 121NEWSport Santé Nutrition
Sport Santé Nutrition Podcast
- 122Decreased by 12Clara Cohen
AcuPro - The Wonders of Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine
- 123Decreased by 22Vivi Pedraglio
- 124NEWLa Voix de l'Hypnose
La Voix de l'Hypnose ASMR
- 125Decreased by 30Jorge Caballero
- 126Decreased by 51Adolfo Ramírez Corona
Meditación Psicoterapéutica
- 127Increased by 31Dr. Doni Wilson
How Humans Heal
- 128NEWJonathan Jarecki
Whole Health
- 129Decreased by 6Kathryn Nicolai
First This
- 130NEWCavern Kingston
- 131Decreased by 19with Sajah & Whitney Popham, founders of The School of Evolutionary Herbalism. Herbalist, Spagyricist, Medical Astrologer
The Plant Path
- 132Decreased by 19Arnaud Hos Devanand Ayurveda My Veda
Ayurveda con Arnaud Hos Devanand Ayurveda MyVeda
- 133Decreased by 18Amy Corfeli
Endometriosis En Lo Profundo
- 134Decreased by 18Ayelle
The Purple Path with Ayelle
- 135Decreased by 30estefaniagiron777
Estefania Girón 777
- 136Increased by 17Luke Storey
The Life Stylist
- 137Decreased by 52Darin Olien
SuperLife with Darin Olien
- 138Increased by 54Luz Orea
Vida en Equilibrio Podcast con Luz Orea
- 139NEWEva Hooft
The Realignment Podcast with Eva Hooft
- 140Increased by 1Hypnarium
- 141Increased by 11Dr. Mercola
Dr. Joseph Mercola - Take Control of Your Health
- 142NEWElodie Garamond
Les conversations du Tigre
- 143NEWAngela Foster
High Performance Health
- 145NEWSandeep Khurana
New Age Yoga Music for Relaxation
- 146NEWMeditation Sounds
Meditation Sounds
- 147NEWDaniela Preciado Canudas
Capre Podcast
- 148NEWSmarter Not Harder Inc. | Troscriptions | HOMeHOPe Org
Smarter Not Harder
- 149NEWHost - Dr. Jason Yuan
Pranic Healing Podcast
- 150NEWAqui y Ahora
- 152Increased by 29Alimentos que cambian tu Vida
Alimentos que Cambian tu Vida
- 153NEWSol Good Network
Best Rain Sounds
- 154Decreased by 50blue skies
bluemind ASMR
- 155NEWOptimal Living Daily | Sleepy Meditation
Good Sleep: Positive Affirmations
- 156Decreased by 21Beatrice Kamau
The Self Love Fix
- 157Decreased by 20Dr. William Wallace
Daily Value
- 158NEWMichael Lennox
Conscious Embodiment: Astrology and Dreams with Dr. Michael Lennox
- 159NEWAna Catalina Alvarado Molano
Historia de la Medicina Tradicional China
- 160NEWKarla Torres
Living with Intentions Podcast
- 161Decreased by 75TRU Sound
Sound healing meditations with Tru Sound
- 162Increased by 31Mar Bueno
- 163NEWDr. Wendy Myers
Myers Detox Podcast
- 164Decreased by 44Alizée Perrin
Encore un pas
- 165NEWDr. med. Janna Scharfenberg
Healthy High Performance Podcast
- 166NEWEstrella Codigoni
Tiroides: hipo e hipertiroidismo- Estrella Codigoni
- 167NEWAlquimia Hormonal
Alquimia Hormonal
- 168NEWMarlyn
Sinergia Nutricional - El Podcast
- 169NEWThomas Marcilly - Médium et thérapeute
Les voyages intérieurs de Thomas - Méditations guidées
- 170NEWEva Maria Cabrera
Eva Maria Cabrera. Espai Vital
- 171NEWBeverly Meyer, Holistic Nutritionist
Primal Diet - Modern Health
- 172NEWNicole Cozean, PT, DPT, WCS & Jesse Cozean
Pelvic PT Rising
- 173NEWDave O'Brien & Jake Doleschal
A Gut Feeling
- 174NEWAndrea
El refugio
- 175NEWMariela Villaverde
Cambiando El Paradigma De La Salud
- 176Decreased by 46Jennifer Edmonds
Your Journey to Fertility
- 177Decreased by 39Aaron Doughty
The Aaron Doughty Podcast
- 178NEWNicky Sutton
Sleep Time: Sleep Meditations with Nicky Sutton
- 179Decreased by 88Akash Vaghela & Team RNT
RNT Fitness Radio
- 180Decreased by 88Dr. Christine Schaffner
The Spectrum of Health with Dr. Christine Schaffner
- 181Decreased by 24Red School
The Menstruality Podcast
- 182Decreased by 86Freya Kellet
German New Medicine Stories
- 183Decreased by 24RUNGA
Intuitive Warrior
- 184Decreased by 24Nieves
Cuerpo mente y espíritu
- 185Decreased by 24Raquelle Mantra
Your Own Magic
- 186Decreased by 24Dr. Bryan Ardis
The Dr. Ardis Show Podcast
- 187Decreased by 24Herbal Reality
- 188Decreased by 24Stephanie Peacock
Holistic Hub Podcast
- 189Decreased by 24Dr JV Hebbar
Easy Ayurveda Podcast
- 190Decreased by 24Mike Sweet - The 10 Minute Coach
NLP In Action - Mike Sweet - 10 Minute Coach - Rapid Practical NLP
- 191Decreased by 92Yo Isasi
- 192NEWASMR: Así Sí Me Relajo
ASMR: Así Sí Me Relajo
- 193NEWHenrik 'The City Meditator' Ljørring
- 194NEWMindfulness Bergamo
Mindfulness in Voce
- 195NEWTed Suzelis
Take On Healthcare Podcast
- 196NEWGurutz
El Placer de la Respiración - ArimaKode
- 197NEWDr. John Douillard, DC, CAP
LifeSpa: Ayurveda Meets Modern Science
- 198NEWCaracol Podcast
Yo debería ser flaca
- 199NEWAlberto Perez
Cambio de Vida
- 200NEWJosh Turknett, MD
The Migraine Miracle Moment