Apple Podcasts – Rumanía – Todo
Los mejores podcasts en Rumanía de las clasificaciones de Apple Podcasts para Todo.
- 1Increased by 0Mihai Morar
Fain & Simplu Podcast
Cultura y sociedad - 2Increased by 0Mind Architect
Mind Architect
Superación personal - 3Increased by 1Știrile zilei. Pe scurt, de la Recorder
Știrile zilei. Pe scurt, de la Recorder
Noticias diarias - 4Increased by 1DOAC
The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett
Economía y empresa - 5Decreased by 2Raluca Anton
Jocurile Minții
Salud mental - 6Increased by 0Catalin Striblea&Radu Paraschivescu
Noticias - 7Increased by 3TED
TED Talks Daily
Cultura y sociedad - 8Decreased by 1Cătălin Striblea
România în direct - Europa FM
Noticias - 9Increased by 4Scicomm Media
Huberman Lab
Salud y forma física - 10Increased by 2Boof Media
Cultura y sociedad - 11Increased by 9Alina
Cufărul cu povești
Historias para niños - 12Increased by 2Mel Robbins
The Mel Robbins Podcast
Superación personal - 13Decreased by 2Dj Dark
Dj Dark @ Radio Podcast
Música - 14Increased by 4Catalin Maruta
Acasa La Maruta
Noticias de entretenimiento - 15Decreased by 6Casa Paleologu
Eu cu cine gândesc? - Podcast de istorie și filozofie cu Theodor Paleologu și Răzvan Ioan
Filosofía - 16Increased by 3Călina
Istoria României
Historia - 17Decreased by 9George BUHNICI
George Buhnici | #IGDLCC
Tecnología - 18Decreased by 3Joe Rogan
The Joe Rogan Experience
Comedia - 20Decreased by 3Rock FM
Morning Glory, cu Răzvan Exarhu
Música - 21Increased by 9Jorge
Diarios personales - 22Decreased by 1iHeartPodcasts
On Purpose with Jay Shetty
Salud mental - 23Increased by 2Banii Vorbesc
Banii Vorbesc
Inversión - 24Increased by 20iHeartPodcasts
Stuff You Should Know
Cultura y sociedad - 25Increased by 2Stephanie Soo
Rotten Mango
Crímenes reales - 26Increased by 3Pagina de Psihologie
#EpicTalk – The Podcast
Relaciones - 27Decreased by 4TED
How to Be a Better Human
Superación personal - 28Decreased by 6Radu Constantin
Gândește Diferit
Educación - 29Increased by 58emma chamberlain
anything goes with emma chamberlain
Superación personal - 30Decreased by 6Stephen West
Philosophize This!
Filosofía - 31Increased by 22Dr Rangan Chatterjee: GP & Author
Feel Better, Live More with Dr Rangan Chatterjee
Medicina alternativa - 32Decreased by 6Chris Williamson
Modern Wisdom
Cultura y sociedad - 33Increased by 1Dorin Lazăr, Sergiu Motreanu
Podcastul de Istorie
Historia - 34Decreased by 6Mihail Pautov
Doctor Mihail
Medicina - 35Increased by 8Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast
Educación - 36Increased by 0Damian Draghici
Podcastul lui Damian Draghici
Cultura y sociedad - 37Increased by 4Ilinca Vandici
#TeAscult cu Ilinca Vandici
Cultura y sociedad - 38Increased by 1BBC Radio 4
You're Dead to Me
Historia - 39Increased by 43Octav Eugen Popa
Podcastul de Filosofie
Filosofía - 40Increased by 38iHeartPodcasts
The Psychology of your 20s
Salud mental - 41Decreased by 8Goalhanger
The Rest Is History
Historia - 42Increased by 103New York Times Opinion
The Ezra Klein Show
Cultura y sociedad - 44Increased by 1Lewis Howes
The School of Greatness
Salud mental - 45Increased by 107ZOE
ZOE Science & Nutrition
Nutrición - 46Decreased by 15Dj Dark
Dj Dark - Deep Sessions
Música - 47Increased by 3BBC Radio
Learning English Conversations
Aprendizaje de idiomas - 48Increased by 8Cari, Manuel und das Team von Easy German
Easy German: Learn German with native speakers | Deutsch lernen mit Muttersprachlern
Aprendizaje de idiomas - 50Increased by 7Good Food
Good Food
Gastronomía - 51Increased by 91Starea Natiei
Vocea Natiei - 52Decreased by 17BBC World Service
Global News Podcast
Noticias diarias - 53Decreased by 16Goalhanger
The Rest Is Politics
Política - 54NEWoamenimicisimari
Oameni mici și mari - povești pentru copii
Para toda la familia - 55Decreased by 15Radu Tibulca
Vin de-o poveste
Entrevistas con humor - 56Decreased by 14BBC Radio
6 Minute English
Aprendizaje de idiomas - 57Increased by 125Deutschlandfunk Kultur
Kakadu – Der Kinderpodcast
Para toda la familia - 58NEWTeo Trandafir
Gand la Gand cu Teo
Detrás de cámaras - 59Decreased by 21History Hit
Dan Snow's History Hit
Historia - 60Decreased by 2George Buhnici, Radu Neagu
Noticias tecnológicas - 61Decreased by 15Cristina Ursu și Lucian Negoiță
Psihologi la Cafea
Educación - 62Increased by 28Recorder
Recorder Talks
Comentando la noticia - 63Decreased by 15Mark Manson
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck Podcast
Superación personal - 64Decreased by 13O Chilie Athonită
O Chilie Athonită - Bucurii din Sfântul Munte
Cristianismo - 65Increased by 23Friderikusz Sándor
Friderikusz Podcast
Cultura y sociedad - 66Increased by 28Alex Cooper
Call Her Daddy
Comedia - 67Increased by 56NPR
Fresh Air
Libros - 68Decreased by 21Stephanie Soo
Moral Of The Story
Comedia - 69Decreased by 14BBC News
Learning English For Work
Aprendizaje de idiomas - 70Decreased by 16Ben Gilbert and David Rosenthal
Tecnología - 71Decreased by 19Betsey Stevenson & Justin Wolfers
Think Like An Economist
Cursos - 72Decreased by
Somnoroși Povești Audio
Historias para niños - 73Increased by 41Ovidiu Vanghele&Vlad Stoicescu
Judecata de Acum
Noticias diarias - 74Increased by 38WeAreTheVR
TheVR Happy Hour
Ocio - 75Decreased by 16Daily Italian with Elena
Stories in Slow Italian - Learn Italian through stories
Aprendizaje de idiomas - 76Decreased by 16BBC Radio 4
In Our Time: History
Historia - 77Decreased by 16BBC
Learning Easy English
Aprendizaje de idiomas - 78NEWFlorentin Țuca
Pe Drept Cuvânt
Diarios personales - 79NEWLenny Rachitsky
Lenny's Podcast: Product | Growth | Career
Tecnología - 80NEWHigher Ground
IMO with Michelle Obama and Craig Robinson
Superación personal - 81Decreased by 17Tortoise Media
Making sense of sustainable farming
Sin fines de lucro - 82Decreased by 19iHeartPodcasts
The Psychology Podcast
Ciencias sociales - 83NEWLex Fridman
Lex Fridman Podcast
Tecnología - 84Decreased by 18Neil deGrasse Tyson
StarTalk Radio
Ciencias - 85NEWAlie Ward
Ologies with Alie Ward
Ciencias - 86Decreased by 14BBC
World Of Secrets
Documental - 87NEWJennifer Dasal/ArtCurious
ArtCurious Podcast
Artes visuales - 88NEWSlumber Studios
Sleepy History
Historia - 89NEWYMH Studios
Your Mom's House with Christina P. and Tom Segura
Entrevistas con humor - 90Decreased by
Părintele Constantin Necula - Conferințe
Cristianismo - 91NEWDarryl Cooper
The Martyr Made Podcast
Historia - 92NEWSky News
The World with Richard Engel and Yalda Hakim
Noticias - 93NEWThe Polyester Podcast
The Polyester Podcast
Cultura y sociedad - 94Decreased by 24Florentin Iordache
Copacul Vieții
Relaciones - Community Podcast
Tecnología - 96NEWThe Immunology Podcast
The Immunology Podcast
Ciencias naturales - 97Decreased by 32Goalhanger
The Rest Is Classified
Historia - 98Decreased by 31Bella Freud
Fashion Neurosis with Bella Freud
Moda y belleza - 99NEWMatt Cicoria
The Behavioral Observations Podcast with Matt Cicoria
Ciencias sociales - 100NEWJack Canfield
The Jack Canfield Podcast
Superación personal - 101NEWNOISER
Sherlock Holmes Short Stories
Drama - 102NEWMile Higher Media & Audioboom Studios
True Crime with Kendall Rae
Crímenes reales - 103NEWNokta
Nokta Live
Política - 104NEWiHeartPodcasts
The Bechdel Cast
Críticas de cine - 105Decreased by 36Valeria Lipovetsky
Not Alone
Superación personal - 106NEWNorma Martinez
WhatsApp Business
Marketing - 107NEWHeadgum
So True with Caleb Hearon
Comedia - 108NEWBloomberg
Zero: The Climate Race
Economía y empresa - 109NEWWestern Sound and Pushkin Industries
Lost Hills: Dark Canyon
Crímenes reales - 110NEWPast Your Bedtime
The Comment Section with Drew Afualo
Comedia - 111NEWHarvard Business School Business & Environment Initiative
Climate Rising
Administración - 112NEWHelen Zaltzman
The Allusionist
Arte - 113NEWUnder Embargo Team
Under Embargo Podcast
Marketing - 114NEWViktor Axelsen, Dr Chun Keat Yew (CK Yew)
The Average Not Average Podcast
Deportes - 115NEWThe Free Press
Raising Parents with Emily Oster
Para padres y madres - 116NEWCold Open Media
Crímenes reales - 117NEWZeteo
Unshocked with Naomi Klein
Noticias - 118NEWSXSW
SXSW Sessions
Diseño - 119NEWVincent Racaniello
Ciencias de la vida - 121Decreased by 46Khloé Kardashian
Khloé in Wonder Land
Cultura y sociedad - 122Decreased by 51Buzzsprout
Noticias tecnológicas - 123NEWMike Duncan
The History of Rome
Historia - 124NEWGirls Gone Bible
Girls Gone Bible
Cristianismo - 125NEWThe Why Files: Operation Podcast
The Why Files: Operation Podcast
Documental - 126Decreased by 50Tom Rosenthal
Strangers on a Bench
Documental - 127NEWThomas Wilkinson
Thinking in English
Aprendizaje de idiomas - 128Decreased by 47ZUnivers Podcasts
ZUnivers Podcasts
Cultura y sociedad - 129Increased by 0Optick
Dj Optick - Obsession - Ibiza Global Radio
Música - 130Decreased by 56Slate Podcasts
How To!
Paso a paso - 131NEWDeutsch-Podcast
Deutsch Podcast - Deutsch lernen
Aprendizaje de idiomas - 132NEWRusty Quill
The Magnus Archives
Artes escénicas - 133NEWBBC World Service
Business Daily
Economía y empresa - 134NEWScicomm Media
Perform with Dr. Andy Galpin
En forma - 135NEWJack Radford
Learn English Vocabulary
Aprendizaje de idiomas - 136Decreased by 57BBC Radio
Learning English from the News
Aprendizaje de idiomas - 137NEWAll Things Comedy
Monday Morning Podcast
Comedia - 138Decreased by 58Creative Reason Media Inc.
The NoSleep Podcast
Ciencia ficción - 139Decreased by 28MCN Podcast
MCN Podcast
Comedia - 140Decreased by 63Stephanie Rigg
On Attachment
Relaciones - 141Decreased by 44Choses à Savoir
Learn French with daily podcasts
Aprendizaje de idiomas - 142NEWEmily Norris
What They Don’t Tell You (but we will!)
Para padres y madres - 143Decreased by 60Talking Politics
Talking Politics: HISTORY OF IDEAS
Política - 144Decreased by 60SPYSCAPE
True CIA Spy Missions | Espionage | Detective | Politics
Crímenes reales - 145Decreased by 50Tim Ferriss: Bestselling Author, Human Guinea Pig
The Tim Ferriss Show
Empresa - 146Decreased by 15Roman Mars
99% Invisible
Diseño - 147Decreased by 46Dwarkesh Patel
Dwarkesh Podcast
Tecnología - 148NEWShawn Ryan
Shawn Ryan Show
Filosofía - 149Decreased by 57Simon Sinek
A Bit of Optimism
Profesiones - 150Decreased by 64Apple
Apple Events (video)
Noticias tecnológicas - 151NEWImmediate Media
History Extra podcast
Historia - 152Decreased by 63Wondery
Historia - 153Decreased by 68Pushkin Industries
The Happiness Lab with Dr. Laurie Santos
Cultura y sociedad - 154NEWBallen Studios
Late Nights with Nexpo
Crímenes reales - 155Decreased by 64RVE Timisoara
Biblia pas cu pas
Cristianismo - 156Decreased by 63Paul Saladino, MD
Paul Saladino MD podcast
Medicina - 157Decreased by with Ryan Daniel Moran
Empresa - 158Decreased by 50Margarita Nazarenko
BEING HER with Margarita Nazarenko
Educación - 159Decreased by 61The Economist
Scam Inc from The Economist
Economía y empresa - 160Decreased by 51Giuseppe Ottaviani
Giuseppe Ottaviani Podcast
Música - 161Decreased by 61Michelle DeNio | Business Strategist
The REAL Truth About Business: Business Growth Tips for Solopreneurs + Small Business Owners
Empresa - 162Decreased by 60Kyle Ariel Knowles
Maker Manager Money - Entrepreneur & Business Owner Inspiration
Empresa - 163Decreased by 59iHeartPodcasts
Ciencias naturales - 164Decreased by 59Beate Chelette
Business Growth Architect Show
Empresa - 165NEWshxtsngigs
Comedia - 166Decreased by 70Kiss FM
DesKiss Dimineața
Música - 167NEWTheo Von
This Past Weekend w/ Theo Von
Comedia - 168Decreased by 49Benjamin Felix, Cameron Passmore, Mark McGrath, and Dan Bortolotti
The Rational Reminder Podcast
Inversión - 169Decreased by 49Classic Literature
Classic Audiobook Collection
Libros - 170NEWSword and Scale
Sword and Scale
Crímenes reales - 171Decreased by 22POLITICO
EU Confidential
Política - 172Decreased by 51The Bulwark
The Bulwark Podcast
Política - 173Decreased by 60Audacy, Red Hour, Great Scott
The Severance Podcast with Ben Stiller & Adam Scott
Cine y TV - 174Decreased by 41Adrian
Adrian Asoltanie | Viața și Banii
Superación personal - 175Decreased by 57Vox Media Podcast Network
Unlocking Us with Brené Brown
Relaciones - 176NEWCatarina Vieira
Tecnología - 177NEWJake Shane
Therapuss with Jake Shane
Comedia - 178Decreased by 71BBC Radio
Learning English Vocabulary
Aprendizaje de idiomas - 179Decreased by 80CNN
Noticias - 180Decreased by 63Impact Theory
Tom Bilyeu's Impact Theory
Economía y empresa - 181Decreased by 75The Guardian
Today in Focus
Noticias diarias - 182NEWFernanda Ramirez
A Better You by Fernanda Ramirez
Diarios personales - 183Decreased by 44PoolBarátok Podcast
PoolBarátok Podcast
Deportes - 184Decreased by 57Coffee Break Languages
Coffee Break German
Educación - 185NEWThe New York Times
The Daily
Noticias diarias - 186NEWRadio Guerrilla
Guerrilla de Dimineață
Educación - 187Decreased by 62BBC News
Comentando la noticia - 188Decreased by 78Michael Hobbes & Peter Shamshiri
If Books Could Kill
Cultura y sociedad - 189Decreased by 61TWiT
Intelligent Machines (Audio)
Tecnología - 190Decreased by 60Adam Young | LCSW, MDiv
The Place We Find Ourselves
Cristianismo - 191NEWRadio Guerrilla
Educación - 192NEWDeepak Chopra
21 Days of Abundance - Meditation Series
Salud mental - 193Decreased by 69Unwell
Pretty Lonesome with Madeline Argy
Cultura y sociedad - 194Decreased by 78Dr. Kádár Annamária & Vörös István
... és boldogan éltek
Superación personal - 195Decreased by 73Farnam Street
The Knowledge Project with Shane Parrish
Empresa - 196NEWNathaniel Whittemore
The AI Daily Brief (Formerly The AI Breakdown): Artificial Intelligence News and Analysis
Tecnología - 197NEWRadio Vestea Buna
Radio Vestea Buna
Historias para niños - 198NEWBlockworks
Forward Guidance
Inversión - 199Decreased by 67In The Know | SomeFriends
Walks Of Life
Salud mental - 200NEWRoadMovie
RoadMovie Podcast
Lugares y viajes