Apple Podcasts – Suisse – Médecine parallèle
Les meilleurs podcasts en Suisse des classements Apple Podcasts pour Médecine parallèle.
- 1Increased by 2Dr Rangan Chatterjee: GP & Author
Feel Better, Live More with Dr Rangan Chatterjee
- 2Decreased by 1Nils Behrens - Sunday
HEALTHWISE - Der Gesundheits- und Longevitypodcast.
- 3Decreased by 1John R. Miles
Passion Struck with John R. Miles
- 4Increased by 57Sandra Weber
THEKI® – Dein Podcast für Bewusstsein, Gesundheit und Glück by Sandra Weber
- 5Increased by 7Sandra-Stella Triebl/Ladies Drive & Küng Wellness
Holistic Health
- 6Increased by 4La Canopée
Nidra, le yoga du sommeil
- 7Decreased by 1Rabea Kieß
Hormon Reset Podcast
- 8Increased by 16Dr. Petra Bracht, Roland Liebscher-Bracht
Die Liebscher & die Brachts
- 9Increased by 9Slumber Studios
Get Sleepy: Sleep meditation and stories
- 10Increased by 9J. Brown Yoga
J. Brown Yoga Talks
- 11Increased by 29Mindful In Minutes Meditation
Mindful In Minutes Meditation
- 12Increased by 42Dr. Alina Lessenich
Body-Mind-Soul Podcast
- 13Increased by 69Dr. Dania Schumann, Ernährungswissenschaftlerin, Ayurveda Spezialistin, Yogalehrerin und Ausbildungsleiterin Ayurveda Ernährungscoach
The Science of Life
- 14Increased by 76Dr. Anthony Youn
The Doctor Youn Show
- 15NEWSabine Spielberg
Naturally You
- 16NEWCissi Williams
Awaken Your Inner Wisdom with Cissi Williams
- 17NEWMyrtéa Formations
Les conseils Bien-Être du quotidien
- 18NEWDr. Robert Hariri
Piloting Health
- 19Decreased by 15Nicole Sachs, LCSW
The Cure for Chronic Pain with Nicole Sachs, LCSW
- 20Increased by 16Murmures Nocturnes
Méditations Pour le Sommeil et la Confiance en Soi
- 21Increased by 0Keren Rose
Contre-addictions par Rose
- 22Increased by 29Eliane Zimmermann
Aromatherapie für die Ohren mit Eliane Zimmermann & Sabrina Herber
- 23Increased by 63Olivia Amitrano
What's The Juice
- 24Increased by 47HEALVERSITY, Manuel Burzler, Timo Janisch
HealVersity - Die Macht der Epigenetik
- 25Decreased by 20Dr. med. Janna Scharfenberg
Healthy High Performance Podcast
- 26Increased by 165Khushbu Vyas
The Yoga Nidra Podcast
- 27Increased by 108Kati Siemens
Shalom Zyklus - durch Zyklusbewusstsein zu Hormonbalance
- 28NEWAnn-Sophie Bünting - Reiki Master Teacher, Holistic Life Coach, Author
in balance - Ann-Sophie Bünting
- 29Increased by 62WOF® proudly sponsored by MenoMe®
Women on Fire®
- 30NEWRita Black
Thin Thinking Podcast
- 32NEWDominik Barkow
Ganz Gesund - Dominik Barkow MyBodyMind
- 33NEWIgor Micunovic MD/Ph.D
Traditional Chinese Medicine - TCM podcast
- 34Decreased by 27mit Lila & Steffi
PUDELNACKERT | Der schonungslos ehrliche Podcast über Liebe, Sex, Dating & Männer
- 35Increased by 14Hypnarium
- 36Decreased by 28Dr. Thomas Bacharach| Podcast zu den Themen Reizdarm, SIBO, Leaky Gut und vieles mehr
Darm mit Aussicht - dein Podcast rund um die Themen Darmgesundheit, Reizdarm, SIBO und Leaky Gut
- 37Decreased by 28Aaron Alexander
Align Podcast
- 38Decreased by 25LONGPLAY Studios / Bert Spitzberg
Frühling für die Seele | Ayahuasca Podcast
- 39Decreased by 19Sleepiest & Jessica Porter
Sleep Magic: Guided Sleep Hypnosis & Meditation
- 40Decreased by 29Laureen Gautier & Frédéric Michenet
Des Racines et Des herbes
- 41Decreased by 27Dr. Stephanie Röhm & Ann-Katrin Kossendey-Koch
Die 2 Apothekerinnen für alle Fälle
- 42Decreased by 27Arthrose Hilfe
Arthrose und Gesundheits-Podcast
- 43Decreased by 27Red School
The Menstruality Podcast
- 44Decreased by 27Dr. Peter Poeckh
Yogatherapie bewegt
- 45Decreased by 23Vorher: Faszination Fatigue
Fasynation: Hilfe bei ME/CFS und Long Covid
- 46Decreased by 2Dear Media, Arielle Lorre
Well with Arielle Lorre
- 47Increased by 118Marwin Zander - Naturheilpraktiker (NHP) mit eidgenössischem Diplom in Homöopathie
Homöopathie - Podcast
- 48Decreased by 14Adam Keen
Keen on Yoga Podcast
- 49Decreased by 21Anne-Sophie Pasquet
Bien dans mon ventre
- 50Decreased by 27Nature's Sounds for Relaxation
- 51Decreased by 14Dhru Purohit
Dhru Purohit Show
- 52Decreased by 13Institut für Mikroökologie
Fach-Podcasts zu Mikrobiom, Darm, Darmgesundheit und Schleimhaut
- 53Decreased by 24La Voix de l'Hypnose
La Voix de l'Hypnose ASMR
- 54Decreased by 29Dr.Stephen Cabral
Health Coach Success
- 55Decreased by 29Adelheid Gutekunst
Wechseljahre na und? Jetzt erst recht!
- 56Decreased by 29Julia Schultz
Bye Bye, Hormonstörung!
- 57Decreased by 27Stuart Bryan
Post Viral Podcast
- 58Decreased by 27Dr. Ivonne Mackert-Wilts
Glück, geil, erfüllt
- 59Decreased by 27Marika Lafond -
Clinik Rebelle
- 60Decreased by 27Tianna Trinidad @ Love Served Warm
PCOS and Prosecco
- 61Decreased by 23MW Medien und Entertainment UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
WIR. DU. NATUR. Dein Podcast für sanfte Medizin
- 62Decreased by 20Dear Media
The Wellness Process
- 63Decreased by 7Sport Santé Nutrition
Sport Santé Nutrition Podcast
- 64Decreased by 19Qualia Life
Collective Insights
- 65Decreased by 30The Bioregulatory Medicine Institute
The Science of Self-Healing
- 66Increased by 40Natascha von Ganski
Mit Pflanzenwissen heilen lernen
- 67Decreased by 24Darin Olien
SuperLife with Darin Olien
- 68Decreased by 18Bahar Yilmaz
New Spirit - Podcast für moderne Spiritualität
- 69Decreased by 23Anna Marsh
The Chronic Fatigue and Burnout Recovery Podcast
- 70Decreased by 13Ryan Cristián
The Last American Vagabond
- 71Increased by 110mindbodygreen
The mindbodygreen Podcast
- 73NEWAlina & Marilena
PRANA TO GO - Dein Ayurveda-Tipp-Podcast!
- 74Decreased by 27Adapter Son Yoga
Adapter Son Yoga
- 75Decreased by 27Nathalie Croix
Life On Earth Podcast
- 76Increased by 25Krista Williams & Lindsey Simcik
Almost 30
- 77Increased by 80david barbion
David Barbion - Coach, Thérapeute, Complice de Votre Métamorphose.
- 79Decreased by 27Arundhati Baitmangalkar
Let's Talk Yoga
- 80NEWMother Nature
Calming Rain - Thunderstorm and Nature Sounds
- 81Decreased by 28Alexander Freise
Bewusst leben.
- 82Increased by 79Angela
Sleep Sounds by White Noise Love
- 83NEWspiritual mind
Achtsamkeit, Affirmationen & Meditationen
- 84Decreased by 14To Be Magnetic™
EXPANDED Podcast by To Be Magnetic™
- 85NEWKaty Bowman
Move Your DNA with Katy Bowman
- 86Increased by 17Sol Good Media
Rain Sounds - 10 Hour
- 87Decreased by 29Darien Gold
All Things Pilates with Darien Gold
- 88Decreased by 29The Last American Vagabond
The Last American Vagabond
- 89Decreased by 29Fair Food Forager / Paul Hellier
The Fair Food Forager & Friends Show
- 90Increased by 8Matthias Langwasser
Matthias Langwasser: Spiritualität, Ganzheitliche Gesundheit, Systemkritik.
- 91Increased by 58Sonja Schmitzer
HPU and You - raus aus Erschöpfung, Reizdarm, Ängsten und Depressionen
- 92Decreased by 24Todd Mclaughlin
Native Yoga Toddcast
- 93Decreased by 29Anne Hardy
Die Therapeuten Couch - TCM Podcast
- 94Increased by 34Michael Max
Qiological Podcast
- 95NEWLauren Ostrowski Fenton
SLEEP MEDITATION with Lauren Ostrowski Fenton
- 96Increased by 93Mother Nature
Rainy Sleep - Heavy Rain and Thunder Sounds
- 97NEWNora DeBora
The Ultimate Pregnancy Prep Podcast
- 98NEWDr. Claudia Nichterl
- 99NEWSukadev Bretz, Gründer und Leiter von Yoga Vidya
Entspannung lernen - 8-Wochenkurs
- 100Decreased by 35Sol Good Network
ASMR Sleep
- 101Increased by 28Dr. Tyna Moore
The Dr. Tyna Show
- 102Increased by 41Sleep Resonance
Brown Noise for Sleep
- 103Increased by 23mindbodygreen
Clean Beauty School
- 104Decreased by 42Oodaj
Lithothérapie & co
- 105NEWKlinik Buchinger Wilhelmi GmbH
Fasting, Integrative Medicine and Inspiration - The Buchinger Wilhelmi Amplius Programme
- 106Decreased by 39Relaxation Sounds Podcast
Relaxation Sounds
- 107Decreased by 44Sebastian Dietrich
Epigenetik Podcast
- 108Decreased by 42Miami Life Center Ashtanga Yoga
Chat&Chai: Yoga Talks from Miami Life Center
- 109Decreased by 40Sakara Life
The Sakara Life Podcast
- 110Decreased by 13Jesse Chappus
The Ultimate Health Podcast
- 111NEWKayla Barnes-Lentz
Longevity Optimization with Kayla Barnes-Lentz
- 112NEWGideon Bellin, Lia Schmökel
Sober Talk
- 113Decreased by 37Romina Scalco
Das Endometriose-Projekt
- 114Decreased by
Tracks To Relax Sleep Meditations
- 115NEWMiesha Tate
Built for Growth by Miesha Tate
- 116Decreased by 88 Hour Sleep Music
8 Hour Sleep Music
- 117NEWSara Riedel und Ulrike Müller
Berliner Salon für Homöopathie
- 118Decreased by 22Ari Whitten
The Energy Blueprint Podcast
- 119Decreased by 46doTERRA International LLC.
Essential Oil Solutions with dōTERRA
- 120NEWIsabel Scholz
KörperResilienz | Isabel Scholz
- 121NEWAlizée Perrin
Encore un pas
- 122NEWChloe and Steph
The Selfish Podcast with Chloe & Steph
- 123NEWPedram Shojai
The Urban Monk podcast with Dr. Pedram Shojai
- 124Decreased by 22Mathilde & Julie
Le Podcast Ayurveda, par Mathilde et Julie
- 125Increased by 8Clara Cohen
AcuPro - The Wonders of Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine
- 127Decreased by 39Dr. Franziska Rubin und Sina Peschke
Dr. Franziska Rubin – Gibt’s da nicht auch was Natürliches?
- 128Decreased by 19Sukadev Bretz - Gekonnt Entspannen und Aufladen
Autogenes Training - Gekonnt entspannen und auftanken
- 129NEWMatt Blackburn
Mitolife Radio
- 130Increased by 18Carola Hoffmeister
Entspannung wirkt. Ich helfe dir zur Ruhe zu kommen und einzuschlafen.
- 131NEWWang Ju-Yi's Applied Channel Theory Research Center
Dialogues on Applied Channel Theory
- 132NEWDoubleBlind Magazine
The DoubleBlind Magic Hour
- 134Decreased by 57Jim Butler
A Deep Shavasana - Sunday Morning Soundbath
- 135Decreased by 57Lucas Aoun
Boost Your Biology with Lucas Aoun
- 136Decreased by 57Dr. Shelena Lalji
Get Well with Dr. Shel
- 137Decreased by 57J Smiles
Parenting UP! Caregiving adventures with comedian J Smiles
- 138Decreased by 57Karlee Ryan
Nicotine Epidemic
- 139Decreased by 56Dylan Smith: Ayurvedic Practitioner, Holistic Health Educator, Conscious Entrepreneur
The Vital Veda Podcast: Ayurveda | Holistic Health | Cosmic and Natural Law
- 140NEWLisa Hendrickson-Jack, FAE, HRHP
Fertility Friday | Fertility Awareness Mastery for Women's Health Professionals
- 141Increased by 28Angela Foster
High Performance Health
- 142Decreased by 67Julia Gruber
- 143Decreased by 20Sinclair Kennally
Your Health Reset
- 144NEWweil's hilft!-Team, Anke Genius
weil's hilft! Naturmedizin & Schulmedizin gemeinsam. Der Podcast.
- 145Decreased by 58Acast France
Playlist Bien-être : les meilleurs podcasts de santé physique et mentale
- 146Decreased by 53Aaron Doughty
The Aaron Doughty Podcast
- 147NEWChantel Ray
Waist Away: The Intermittent Fasting & Weight Loss Podcast
- 148NEWMother Nature
Thunderstorm Tranquility - Rain and Thunder Sounds
- 149NEWDr. Bryan Ardis
The Dr. Ardis Show Podcast
- 150NEWSandra Langschwert
Themen im Zyklus
- 151Increased by 17Zeit für dich mit Andrea
Zeit für dich - Wo du Wurzel und Flügel bekommst
- 152Decreased by 53Ben Azadi
Metabolic Freedom With Ben Azadi
- 153Decreased by 69Sara and Les Raymond
The Mindful Movement Podcast and Community
- 154Increased by 40David Wilson
One For The Road
- 155Decreased by 63William Davis, MD
Defiant Health Radio with Dr. William Davis
- 156NEWDorothea Leinung: Hashimotoexpertin, ganzheitliche Ärztin und Hypnosethera
Thea - Entdecke Deine Göttlichkeit!
- 157Decreased by 63Claudia von Boeselager
The Longevity & Lifestyle Podcast
- 158Decreased by 16Julie Doce
Sophrologie Et Hypnose
- 159Decreased by 20Sleeping Sounds
Sleeping Sounds
- 160Decreased by 48Gene Ang
Arcturian Healing Method Podcast
- 161NEWNatascha Wilms
Chainless Woman
- 162Decreased by 38Otis Gray
- 163NEWInstitut für Mikroökologie
Wunderwerk Darm - GUT erklärt
- 164NEWSukadev Bretz
Mantra Singen, Kirtan, spirituelle Lieder
- 165Decreased by 29Mountain Rose Herbs
Herbal Radio
- 166NEWAndreas Zingerle
Rife Resonanzen: Heilung durch Frequenzen
- 167NEWHeather Beardsley
Love Life And Lose Weight
- 168NEWLauren Collins | Registered Nurse, Wellness Coach, Life Coach
PMS Made Peaceful | Emotional Regulation, Cycle Syncing, Monthly Cycle Hormones, Christian Women, Hormone Imbalance
- 169NEWLynne McTaggart and Bryan Hubbard
What Doctors Don’t Tell You Podcast
- 170Decreased by 32Ben
Terrain Theory
- 171Decreased by 61Dr. Stephen Cabral
The Cabral Concept
- 172NEWAlessio Stefanelli
MentalmentE - Ipnosi Per Dormire - Storie e Fiabe
- 173NEWestragon
White Noise Echoes
- 174NEWBecca Holland
The Becca Holland Show
- 175Decreased by 908 Hour Sleep Music
8 Hour Binaural Beats
- 176Decreased by 71Katharina Bähner
DER CRANIO PODCAST mit Katharina Bähner
- 177Decreased by 70Contact Talk Radio Network
Pain Free & Strong Radio Dr Tyna Moore
- 178NEWProgressive Radio Network
The Gary Null Show
- 179Decreased by 49Jay Feldman Wellness
The Energy Balance Podcast
- 180NEWHeal Thy Self
Heal Thy Self with Dr. G
- 181NEWSara Artemisia
The Plant Spirit Podcast with Sara Artemisia
- 182NEWStéphanie Julien
Le balado des possibles
- 183Decreased by 94Dr. Nadine Webering, Fachärztin für Neurologie, Ayurveda-Ärztin und Pranayama-Lehrerin
Stay in balance!
- 184Decreased by 70Mason Hutchison
- 185Decreased by 70Tracey Stevens
The Healing Point Podcast
- 186Decreased by 70Anette Dröge, Psychosomatik und emotionale Selbstheilung
Anette Dröge - Psychosomatik NEU erklärt
- 187Decreased by 70Sukadev Bretz, Gründer und Leiter von Yoga Vidya
Pranayama Mittelstufe 6-Wochen-Kurs
- 188Decreased by 70Alina
Grow Strong Podcast - Schicksalsschläge überwinden
- 189Increased by 1Brandy Gillmore
Heal Yourself. Change Your Life
- 190NEWDidier Sicaud
Le Flow : bien-être et performance
- 191Decreased by 87Nora Hodeige & Jacqueline Hallmann
Happy HIT - Der Histaminintoleranz Podcast
- 192Decreased by 81Anna
Blühende Gesundheit
- 193Decreased by 98Kathryn Nicolai
First This
- 194NEWCoral and Natalie Golding
The RAISE Podcast
- 195NEWRalf Kraft
Mit Herz und Fuß - Leicht-, sinnig, schmerzfrei
- 196Decreased by 43Tanja Draxler
IMpuls - Lebe deine Version
- 197NEWSonja May
Heal yourself - Alles ist in dir
- 198NEWBrigitte and Mel
The PCOS Girls Podcast
- 199NEWDr. Katja Schaaf und Diplom-Psychologin Verena Wendt
Thinking Into Health
- 200NEWLaura Comfort
The Peak Vitality Podcast